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Posts posted by andyhughes

  1. Hello,

    Have you gone through every single document on UKS document repository yet? Particularly the service bulletins.

    There is a lot of guidance available in the UK... but you have to approach things in the right order. If you have got your packing certificate done, then get yourself on an Advanced Packers course. Until you know equipment really well, repairs & alterations (i.e. sewing) will have to wait.

    You could also go over to the US on a FAA rigger course... there are several. But the focus is on packing rather than repairs/alterations.

    In the mean time... sew a lot... make some kites: the nasa parawing, and anything generated by the Surfplan software. Visit manufacturers and riggers, and ask specific questions.


  2. Foam backed pp isn't available from paragear anymore, or any other reseller.

    besides which - the old style with yellow foam (that goes powdery) has been superseded with more modern material.

    Realistically, you have a couple of choices:

    1. The cheap way, using packing foam or lino underlay.
    2. Buy parapak bonded foam from a container manufacturer.

    I have used both methods - one is waaaaaay faster than the other, but you can get a good finished product with either method.

    Getting small runs of bonded pp from a mill / fabric manufacture works out really expensive (if even possible).

    There are some *really* helpful small container manufacturers in the US that will probably help you out. Give a couple a call.

  3. Quote

    TBRS must be installed early in the construction process, because they require wrapping a strap around a major structural component (e.g. wing spar).

    Re the applicable type rating - this kind of system doesn't really fall into either back, chest, seat or lap... so presumably isn't going to be field serviceable unless there is an additional type rating added?

  4. a couple of quick points.

    This is not new news. Initially raised about 18 months ago. There has been a lot of open discussion at the AGM and many minuted BPA meetings where this was discussed (that any BPA member can attend).

    Your statement about not allowing APs to touch kit is completely wrong. The model presented at the AGM discussed "countersigned" documents. The rigger is not required to do the work.

    There is no issue finding a rigger. There are just over 100 Advanced packers and there about 60 riggers.

    DZs without only APs on-site need to ship their well used "old" kit to a rigger for ongoing maintenance anyway. So shouldn't change the operating model much.

    if not having an on-site rigger is an issue then get some of your APs upgraded to rigger status :).

    Rome is not burning...

  5. I have made and tested several designs....

    I settled on the simplest/quickest, which is just one wrap of 1/2" squareweave with full a width turnbacks to cover the raw edge and add a little bulk.

    These work great on old-school brass #8s and also the SS #25s you get on pd (and other) sliders.

  6. Thanks for the link. 1/4" foam is too much for what i'm after.

    I think Paragear used to do a thick and thin version, not sure what their dimensions were though...

    This is for container manufacture, need to know the specifics of the material. 200D oxford cloth is isn't really specific enough. I was hoping to find a mil/pia spec version...

  7. hmmm... not 100% convinced on that one... unless they ran out of hardware from one forge half way through building this particular rig....

    what about the other mirages out there - what hardware do they have on them?

    (i don't get to see that many Mirages over here in the UK - for some reason there aren't many about - so my survey pool is quite small... hence the post...).

  8. Hi,

    For some time I've been trying to track down the Lone Star (construction) manual so that i can put a electronic version of it on-line. I've had no luck so far, hence my post.... does anyone have a lead that i can follow-up regarding the location of a copy?

    This would be an awesome document for riggers and jumpers to understand canopy construction a little more, not to mention its historical significance. I'd really like to get it "out there" and prevent it being "knowledge lost in time" (if it isn't already....).

    p.s. I maintain the rigging section - hence my interest in getting hold of this.

  9. You are right, it isn't something to be concerned about... but there must be some reason for using hardware from different forges at specific places on the harness. In addition to this, i'm trying to get a feel for whether this is the case for all mirage harnesses...

  10. I've noticed that on some unisys mirages, the hip rings are actually forged by a different company than the chest rings are the 3-ring harness ring...

    ... i was wondering if this is fairly common.... so if anyone has a fully articulated mirage to hand it would be good to hear if the stamp on the leg strap hardware match the stamps on the other hardware.

    On the one i have here, the hip rings have a "W" in a pentagon stamped on them (i.e. Wichard hardware) whereas the chest rings and 3-ring harness ring have a large "B" followed by a tiny small "F" and "I" (vertically aligned) enclosed in a diamond (Bourdon hardware). All hardware is stainless steel, and are the same shape and finish, except the Wichard hardware has a slot that is *very* slightly different shape.

    And if anyone has any suggestions as to why there is mixture of hardware, it would be very interesting to hear. I have asked the manufacturer but had no response.

  11. I'm having serious trouble finding an ink pad that is suitable for parachute marking ink. Most self inking pads seem to be made from felt, and this allows the (sticky) ink to dry out and be unusable after a couple of days.

    What are other people using to get around this problem?

  12. Just a quick one...

    Got my Sensei hooked up and in the air this weekend. Size is 111 loaded at 2.1.

    Openings are very very nice. Opens quick and perfectly on heading (which i wasn't expecting at all). I found it openings were bit too brisk for my taste if i didn't roll the nose. I'd say that it is one of the best opening canopies i've ever jumped.

    I've set my brk-tog setting with 4" longer than the factory setting. This is working well with the relatively small control range window.

    Very responsive to harness inputs.

    Stall point is very predictable - it gives good feedback before the stall, and when it does go recover is less drama than on most ellipticals. I would *not* say it stalls early or before full flare. It has plenty of bottom end lift, but if you were to bury your toggles just before touch-down it will just fold up dump you on the ground.

    I did *not* have any problems with rear-riser to toggle transitions. I heard on some people are finding the canopy is stalling on transition, but this is not an issue with the 111 at 2.1.

    Overall i am very impressed with it. Definitely requires modification to my turning technique with me coming from Katanas - front riser pressure is quite heavy and builds fairly quickly in slow diving turns. Very happy with it :).

    And yes - it is *really* fast. ;)