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Posts posted by gunit

  1. Quote


    London is where ya go for a drunken BJ

    It is? I live in London - could you narrow it down? Where do I get one of these?

    Infernos nightclub Clapham. 21 year old girls of all nationalities!!

    But seriously, what to do in London. Jesus, theres everything. Whats your bag? Cultural, sleazy, drunken. Its all there. Do all the obvious - London eye etc. Check out Kew Gardens. Go to the theatre. From there its open. Check out the "time out London" website. It has a whole breakdown of whats on where and special events. Good luck!!

  2. I take it your a fan of the game "fizz buzz"??!!

    Fucking hate that game tho maths isn't my strong point.

    I've got a FS suit with booties, got it on 5 sec delays years ago. Will still wear it when I start AFF next March. In my limited real life freefall and my 10 minute tunnel time I tend to agree with the idea thats theres not much point as why add "boosters" till you can do it properly

  3. Quote

    Hi gunit,

    Might I suggest a good book on the fate of the world when the oil is gone:

    THE LONG EMERGENCY by James Kuntsler.

    I do not agree with everything that he writes but one scenario, that is supported by a good number of academics, is that mankind will fail to survive the end of oil.

    Spend just five minutes of your life just looking around you at all of the stuff that you see that is a product of oil. You can start with your clothing. Scary IMO.

    But what do I care; I'll be long gone. :P


    PS) I am no Prophet of Doom but I did find it a very good read.

    Hah, yeah I tend to agree the human race is completely fucked. From the earths point of view it will probably be good riddence once we wipe ourselves out.

    And yeah I'm only 25 but I guess il be gone in 50 years or so. won't affect me much either i hope :S

  4. Quote




    "Because I can" isn't a really great reason for pulling low. Why do you want to pull low?

    So what's your reason?

    I pull low because I can't afford the ride to altitude.

    To the OP: Tell that wanker to mind her own business. Or, I can come to your DZ, pull below 500 feet, and that way you will look like a conservative jumper.

    You the man. Can I be on your ash dive?


    I actually replaced my reserve with C4 explosives and configured my AAD to set it off if I ever go in. That way, no one will know where I went.


    Bahahaha!! funniest reply ever! lol.

    Look, locate, cut-away re-BOOOM!!

  5. Quote

    wow. this board is filled with all sorts of dickheads, obviously sense of humor is a lacking trait of most people around here.

    and some people wonder why this place is referred to as dorkzone and most likely declining in traffic and popularity on a daily basis.

    to the OP - its your business whether or not you tell your parents, I couldnt care less..I got a kick out of your post, thought it was pretty funny.

    I do indeed have a penis for a head ;)

  6. Preface - total newbie here.

    Why do you care what someone thinks of you? If you know you are in the right it shouldn't matter what they say.

    It only matters if you think they could have a point.......

  7. Quote

    A word of advice, to a jumper friend.

    The fear should not be there....its a waste of energy that can be put to a greater use.

    Stop and think about it, my friend.

    You've jumped before....youve proved you are capable....likely the same rig, the same plane, the same sky, everything the what is to fear?

    You've proved you could do it, and everything worked fine.....just as it will this time, the next time, the next time and forever...the next time.

    Now, if you should do something dumb, like pack your rig without care and caution, you THEN may expect....MAYBE something will be different....but not really something to fear.

    However, chutes are made to open...and likely always will open as long as you are why are you fearing something that should have no fear...but only everlasting enjoyment.

    Don't fret over the things that somehow " MIGHT" happen....sit back, enjoy the ride to the top floor, and then think too, of how much you are going to enjoy the fall to the earth, and a good landing.

    Nothing to fear...don't waste the energy....look forward to the thrill, to the flying, to seeing your friends in the blue.

    Look forward to fun, to the best sport in the world.

    DO NOT waste time fearing or wqorrying over something that you have already proved you are good at, and can accomplish.

    Look forward to the great sport you are in , the sport many wish they could get into, but lack what you have...the guts....the nerve to actually do it.

    You have already proved yourself worthy of the title " SKYDIVER"

    Now stop this unrequired fear of nothing and enjoy yourself.

    There is nothing to fear....Ive been there and I know.

    Have a great jump, and leave a good mark in the sky

    Bill Cole D-41.

    What a great way of putting things. I think your words could apply to a lot of things we worry about in life.

  8. Wow awesome! 10 minutes at airkix Milton Keynes in prep for my AFF. Got everything done except side slides. My left arm and thumb is pretty numb tho as I was doing my turns left quite a lot. Anyone else experienced that at all?

  9. Haha, just booked my AFF course for next March. Super excited, its been 7 years since my last jump (5 sec delay). Got stuck on RAPS at 18 y/o with 5 secs delays and gave up. Always told myself I'd do AFF and here I go. Gotta get that A licence!

    I've booked in some tunnel time at Airkix Bedford UK, 10 mins and they say they gear it towards AFF students if you ask. Anyone got any experience at Airkix at all?


  10. Right, i wanna set up a skydiving club at my uni- Leicester Uni, England. However, my worry is that it is too late in the year to set one up- it will only be set up next semester which is only 2 months long, half of that time is exams. Then there is the summer break which is over 3 months long and Langar requires a substantial retrain if people havn't jumped in over 3 months, and pay for the retrain as well. This could affect members decisions to stay on, as they would only have time to make their first few jumps before summer break and they might not want to jump elsewhere in the summer; so when they return they might not want to pay to start again-help!

    Apologies if ur out of breath thanks to the wonderful punctuation!:D