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Posts posted by odeseni

  1. To whom it might be of interest.

    Currently the leading time is 8-9 weeks. Has been for quite a while. December onwards for sure and even less in mid January/February.

    For all info we incourage customers to contact us directly.

    All the best


  2. Atair from Slovenia, the leading company in BASE canopies have just released a wingsuit specific 7 cell for skydiving. Give them a try or ask for a demo.

    I believe Adam Foster at leading edge wingsuits has one aswell, so you can check it out or demo it.

    I love the 135 and 150 i flew... but hey.. i'm bias.

    My previous experience is a Storm 135 and Spectre 135 loaded at 1.7. I prefer the WinX from Atair.

    Happy flights

  3. I agree to some extend with Tigern... You need the loops on the RAD sleeves to prevent "this" (pic in the attachement)happening to the armwing, which offcourse prevents the RAD system to work... so no point in marketing it, as such.

    So regarding his chop on video... he couldn't reach to the risers using the RAD system even if he wanted to, or use it without the loop and risk "this" of happening.

  4. Quote



    That GPS overlay is bogus.

    What makes you say that?

    Some fairy tale glide numbers. I got similar number than the previous post has.

    which is the data from the GPS overlay. Why is that data bogus?

    Like Bor pointed out, the 3.5- 3.7 is sustained GR inbetween 40 & 50s without speed loss. Is that what you found to be bogus? If so, please can you elaborate why?

  5. I guess you haven't seen the footage from some of the french flyers from a few of the same spots. I wonder if your marketing is gonna bite you in your ass.

    Best regards

  6. That's weird, i would think you can pack a spectre 120 with dacron lines with little effort into an rsk1. Do you usually pack yourself or tipically go with packers? I'm not trying to imply your a bad packer, but like said i would think a spectre 120 goes in with ease and could probbalbly squezze a 135in it. Well, i guess i was wrong. Thanks for the reply.

  7. Hey guys,

    i would like to hear from people what they think. I would like to try to squezze a storm 135 into a rsk1 Javellin O. Has anybody tried it? I would demo and try for myself, but cannot get a storm 135 to demo in Europe. On PD site it says that a spectre/storm 135 is half a size bigger than say a sabre/katana 120, which I should get into a rsk1 nicely.

    I use to pack a Comp Cobalt 120 which is a tad bigger than say a stilleto into the same container with no problems , but it's true that the old material from Atair was a beauty to pack.

    What are your opinions? I would love to hear from somebody that actually has that setup or tried to pack it. I will also ask sunpath the same question, but would like to hear other opinions also.

    Thanks for the help

  8. Quote

    "Could it be that you just might have lost the sense for speed because of constant flying of the flying carpet suits?"

    Maybe i wasn't clear enough.That was meant as a remark about wing root design of the suits(Stealth included) and not a remark about a particular manufacturer.

    It's a public forum. I can express my opinion, be it an expert opinion or not. It's your right to ignore it.

    "Odeseni can try a S-Bird then criticize it. "

    Sure. Would love to. I never saw an S-bird in action. I was making a remark about the x-bird i saw flying a few 100 ft away from me on a base jump. Me being static.
    Quite a good way to compare speeds, don't you think.
    And i wouldn't bother commenting if i didn't read, what i thought was misleading info.

    Peace out

    "A slang term telling someone good-bye, used with a hand gesture in which you pound your chest with your fist twice,."

  9. Tony, you said it not me. The suit Jade had was slow due to arms......So it was slow and i wasn't just making things up?

    So, now we know why the suit didn't fly so well, but still everybody was claiming super distances and speeds. Kinda like if the people commenting were bias.

    And what's up with speeds your sponsored flyers were also claiming are insane? Is that still on?

    My boogie? Being rude? I found the marketing of the suit rude. Claiming stuff that(what i saw) just wasn't there. Congrats on winning all competitions for the last 2 years on a x-wing.B| Smells of world champions and Freddy Mercury again.

    Seriously, congrats to Tobi, winning the gransee event.:P .

    P.S. If you need a marketing specialist i know some people that know some people.:PI would be more than happy to try your redesigned x-wing and try it for myself and give an unbiased review of the suit. DEMO maybe?;)

  10. Quote

    Sometimes it's just easier to tell someone what they wanna hear.


    Prove me wrong. And please don't use another, his friend/teammate won and gave his friend the usage of the title crap you sent me in the PM. That crap is not only degrading to people who actually won something, but extremely funny. I laughed outloud reading that.

  11. Ok, so it was explained to me in a PM from one of the authors of the video how he thinks, things work in the wingsuit community and how world champion titles are handed out. I guess/i hope his theory will be revealed to everybody else also.

    If there is wrong doing, no prob, acknowledge the mistake and make it right, but don't try to convince me that there was no wrong doing.

    I'm pissed.

  12. Dear DSE,

    I wanted to make a smartass remark about taking seriously what it says on the advertisement (Supergirls post). No disrispect to your work intended. I apologize if it sounded wrong. I guess this time you didn't get the joke.

    I actually saw a trailer about the video(which i liked a lot) that brought me to the chutingstar website. It was my first time on the site. When reading the text next to the video, i saw the world wingsuit champion statement, hence my question.

    I always thought that world championship is a competition that stands above every other competition(of the same class). I guess in the wingsuit community every winner of an open class competition of any kind is a world champion. My bad. I guess it's kinda like in the song from Freddy Mercury.:S

    I would love to see the video, but personaly find the text misleading.

    Edit: Be it as it is, what competition of any kind did Justin exactly win?

  13. Next time i read something on an advertisment from chutingstar i will not take it so seriously.
    Kind of like the price tag on that video. :P

    But seriously, if it would be written in a funny tone i would say, sure it's a joke. I get it.

    But i guess this time i just didn't get the joke.

    I guess my question is answered. There is no world wingsuit championship.

    And just to clear something up. In freefly everybody knows who is the world champion. The team that won the world championship. You know, the thing that's organized every two years. Kinda like in track and field. It's a big deal. Period.

    Thank you
    Everybody, sorry for asking.
    Over and out.

  14. I heard about these competitions and i'm tempted to join wings over gransee this year, but what strikes me as odd is that on the chuttingstar.com webpage, under wingsuits 101 and 201 video, Justin Shorb is considered the world wingsuit champion. I just find that odd, since i cannot find a competition claiming to be the world championship of wingsuiting. I know people are trying to push(market) their product(or themselfs), but if there is no WWC it kind of looks funny. It smels of 1 to 8 glide ratios.:D

    I checked the Flock U webpage and under Justins bios it says he was part of the World competition held in Europe. So maybe there is a typo somewhere...or something

    Like i said... I'm confused.:S

    Thank you for the reply Jarno and good job on becoming the world wingsuit artistic champion.:D