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Posts posted by NoRules

  1. Thanks everyone! And yes, I made sure to be very careful with the links and putt them on a little piece of cardboard so that nothing got disoriented and everything is labeled.

    Ah, this is a process :)

    But thanks so much for your help! has definitely made it easier to figure it out!

    ~ * Life Has No Rules * ~

  2. Hi guys,

    I'm selling my rig and have to separate the reserve/main/container since I'm selling different parts to different people. Just to confirm, this is what comes with each piece right? My main question is the spring-loaded pilot chute. That's rig-specific right?

    Main Risers
    Reserve and Main Toggles
    Spring-loaded pilot chute

    Reserve and Main:
    Just the canopy

    Thanks for your help!

    ~ * Life Has No Rules * ~

  3. Ha, that'll do it. Thanks so much!

    And any idea what retail value of a new Cypres 2 is? I can't seem to find it online and it's been a while since I bought it...

    Thanks again :)

    ~ * Life Has No Rules * ~

  4. Hi guys,

    I'm looking to sell my rig and can't remember how to price the AAD. I remember there was some formula like $100 per year left or something like that..?

    It's a Cypres 2, never fired. DOM: Oct '03

    Thanks for your help!

  5. Hey guys,

    I know I don't really post here and don't know you guys, but I need everyone's help and I was hoping you'd be willing to help spread the word.

    I started an adventure travel company a year ago and things are going really well. We're actually in the finals now for a HUGE prize ($25k) and I need people to vote.

    You have to register, which I know is annoying, but I really can't even begin to express how much it would mean to me. Let me know if you have any questions--you have click on 'inspiring, funny, and useful' to the right of the video.

    Thanks and blue skies!!!

    ~ * Life Has No Rules * ~

  6. Quote

    Sweet chick! Congrats! Sounds like you have a hell of a well deserved vacation ahead! B| Have fun!

    thanks girl, i've been beaming all day :)

    ~ * Life Has No Rules * ~

  7. Quote

    Just won the lottery, eh? :D

    Haha, or just worked on Wall Street for a couple of years. Selling your soul is a small price to pay to take a year off of life ;)

    ~ * Life Has No Rules * ~

  8. Travel, travel, travel B|

    I just bought a one way ticket to the Caribbean for tonight... when I get sick of the beach I'll come back to New York for a couple of weeks to pack up and move out and then my tour around the world begins :)
    Right now I've got Argentina, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Austria, India, Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Singapore, and New Zealand lined up for the next 6 months or so.

    After that... well... I'll cross that bridge when I get to it B|

    So yeah, if anyone is going to be in any of the places I just mentioned, let me know!!

    ~ * Life Has No Rules * ~

  9. I don't normally post here, but I just feel like I want to tell the whole world.... I just quit my job!!!

    It feels amazing.

    The taste of freedom so sweet :P

    ~ * Life Has No Rules * ~

  10. Danny... man you were a character!

    Before we even met, I called Danny to ask for directions to the hotel and we ended up talking on the phone for 30 minutes. We didn't see eye to eye in ANYTHING and it was awesome... in that short weekend I spent with him we had some of the most interesting arguments I've had in a long time.

    Danny took his sister on her first tandem last month in Puerto Rico and I had the pleasure of jumping out with them. I'll never forget that jump... he was so happy and proud of her and you could feel the love between them. Thank you Danny, for sharing that with me.

    I've attached two pictures of that jump. Man, he loved skydiving...

    ~ * Life Has No Rules * ~

  11. Quote


    I want to rent a car and don't feel like searching through piles of papers to find the discount # that came with my renewal. Anyone have it handy?

    here ya go...

    Is this the same code for 2007? I just tried putting it in and it's giving me an error message. Help... :S

    ~ * Life Has No Rules * ~

  12. Quote

    The value of the company for sale typically goes up, while the value of the buying company goes down.

    Has an offer yet been made?

    If so, is the nature of the deal based on a stock (2 for 1 maybe) trade or is a cash deal.

    Each of these can have an impact on the value of the company being sold.

    What he said. Also, sometimes they give you choices, like you can choose cash OR stock (or a combination). A lot of times these aren't equal in value and will default to the one worth less unless you specify so be sure to follow the deal. PM me if you have any questions!

    ~ * Life Has No Rules * ~