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Posts posted by mmittelman

  1. Would bag strap explain the risers crossed behind my neck? I look like I tried to hang myself. Is there something I can try to do to prevent this in the future? Always replace locking stows if they look worn, etc.?

    Thanks for the info.

    - Mike

  2. I had a bad last opening of the day on Sunday. I believe it was a line dump but would appreciate input or suggestions, as I received what is probably a minor concussion and lacerations to my neck, so in short it wasn't fun.

    My Sabre2 190 has always sniveled, whacked, or both. I have almost 200 jumps on this canopy. On my last jump of the day I had an uneventful skydive. I tracked off and did my usual wave an pull. I instantly felt my risers crossed behind my neck and my head forced forward with a lot of force. The canopy opened very hard, adding to the impact. After that extremely hard opening, my canopy opened instantly, so I don't think it was line twists. I was knocked pretty hard and was seeing stars, it took a lot of effort to land back at the DZ safely, and I was groggy for a day.

    A few notes:
    - My stows can be a little short, maybe 1.5 inches instead of 2.5
    - I always seem to have either too much line remaining or too little when I'm done stowing, and I haven't figured out which is worse

    So... any thoughts? I don't want another opening like that one.

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    - Mike