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Posts posted by Scoop

  1. Skydiving helmets are rubbish for impact protection. This is their normal "YOU CANT SUE ME NOW" clause. A bit of fibreglass and foam is better than nothing however plus you can mount gadgets like audibles/cameras and not bash your head in the door or on a wobbly landing where you tumble. Plus with a full face you might save yourself getting a shoe in the mouth/nose.

  2. My Mum hated it at first probably more through ignorance. She's used to hearing on these WW2 documentaries that 5% of all drops are fatal or whatever the figure is. Once I talked her round she even bought me an audible as it was her little way of making it a bit safer for me. The deal is that I don't get a motorbike, something I've been crazy about since I was a nipper

  3. Hi people,

    Thought I'd call on you for some help...

    My friend borrowed a Sony Handycam (The DVD type) to film his sons first birthday. He gave me the small DVD out of the device to do some quick editing and make some copies onto normal sized DVDs. I have put the disc into my computer only to get the Vista prompt "What do you want to do with this blank disc". The disc shouldnt be blank. We reviewed footage the day it was filmed, so we were able to access the data then. The disc is blue which I assume is like when data is burnt and you get the different rings of colour on the disc. On attempting to place the disc back into the Handycam it prompts to format the disc in either 16:9 or 4:3 again apparantly treating it like blank disc. I wondered if the camera had a harddrive of sorts where the data may be stored but accessing the index shows nothing there. Looking online it appears they dont have a hard drive. As my friend was unfamiliar with the camera I don't believe he finalised the disc.

    Is there any way of recovering this footage does anyone know? Am I making a silly mistake? I was reluctant to go ahead and format on inserting the disc in case there is data on there and I would lose it.

    Any suggestions?



  4. Dude, Andy took me out on the town in his stomping ground and all I remember is a blur of having to run round the pool table with my trousers round my ankles for getting 8 balled, throwing up after drinking this ridiculously strong german beer, getting conned by some high kicking ninja doorman, falling asleep on the stairs in a nightclub, having it large with some over emotional USAF boys stationed here, nearly getting arrested for being too rowdy and swearing and throwing up when I got out the taxi and the 'fresh air sniper' caught me. Then having had only 4 hours sleep and going to the DZ and on the way Andy getting me a speeding fine and penalty points cos the fucker didnt know where we were going despite living there and took me through a restricted roadworks section! Then when we got to the DZ I had a bottle of water and was still wobbling... Andy, straight on the beer! :ph34r:

    ... what a weekend. I'm glad you've left England mate! :P

    Gonza: You have no chance but It'll be fun trying!