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Posts posted by Misslmperfect

  1. short version: went camping, at&t blackberry curve slept in a puddle all night, phone is ruined. my cousin gave me her old t mobile curve, which is identical to the one i destroyed, but it wont read my sim.

    i just did a little googling and figured out that the phone has to be unlocked, so i found some websites that sell 'mep codes'. a few questions:

    1. is this legal/legit?
    2. will it work?
    3. if the answer to those questions is 'yes', when i order my code and it asks for the carrier/provider, do i put at&t because it's the service i use, or tmobile because it's the original provider of the soon to be unlocked phone?

    so confused. help?:)
    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

  2. Quote


    i was furious for about 2 seconds, then i realized that the duck on the leash wasn't real.

    That's what it took? Did you miss the part before that where the duck's bill fell off?

    Good god I hate that song and now ...

    haha i guess i did miss that part! i'm not watching it again, though:P
    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

  3. i don't mean spending that kind of time away from each other! i just mean that you go and do what you like, and she does the same. that way neither of you are feeling deprived or stifled. it has only been a year...newness wears off, they start getting under your skin. i remember that well. its going to take time to figure out what works for you both...and if she has already spent that kind of time away, you guys aren't exactly getting a fair shot at getting used to married life!
    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

  4. is she not comfortable with having separate interests/hobbies? i am VERY much a loner and i couldn't stand it if i were with someone who needed to participate in everything i did. maybe you're feeling this way because you feel like if she isn't involved, you can't be either? sometimes being apart is the best medicine if you want to stay together!
    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

  5. well, after reading this thread i guess it all depends on your pain tolerance. i had mine out right after high school and it was awful. not trying to scare you...just being honest. it was definitely some of the worst pain i've been in.

    also, your doctors aren't kidding when they warn you about stitches breaking. mine did, and when i got into the doc's office i was bleeding SO badly. he pulled out this huge needle and told me he had to inject my throat to stop the bleeding...so he was going to have to stick this long ass needle in my mouth and down my throat. i fainted right then and there. :D

    you'll be fine, i'm sure. its different for everyone.

    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

  6. could someone who better understands the language of these bailout bills please tell me how, or IF, student loans will be affected? i have read and read, and researched and researched, but i just do NOT understand how this bailout works. i've accepted that, but i would like to know how the lending process for private student loans will be changed. more strict criteria, higher interest rates...what? i'ts coming up on time for me to apply for next year's loans, and i'm really afraid i won't get them. are lenders for private loans being helped the way mortgage lenders are?


    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

  7. i'm just crossing my fingers that all of this religious obsession, the incredible amount of time and money that is spent on articles like this, is simply a sign that christianity is losing its hold on the country. certain groups have been in heaven (pardon the pun) for the last 8 years with someone like bush running the show, and now that's over. that's got to be kind of scary.

    seems to me that obama is a pretty realistic representation of the average christian american. the only "extremism" in your post is right here: "We're getting change all right - he's changing before our very eyes, from the image he portrayed to get your vote during the election, to what he really is - a die-hard extremist liberal."

    , maybe now we can get back to business and leave god out of it.
    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

  8. i'm sure its already been said by everyone else already but BE HONEST. kids understand so much more than you think, as i'm sure you know since you have one. try and come up with a way to explain what cancer is in terms that a 6 yr old can understand, but that won't scare him. i wish my parents had done that for me....they left everything so vague and mysterious that i think it scared me more!

    also, since you do have a bit of time left, see if you can come up with ways to create some final memories that your son will have of his grandpa. make a photo album, a video message for your dad, etc...it really helps with the grieving process, even at a young age. good luck, and my heart goes out to you.
    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

  9. Quote

    Thanks for those last four messages, which illustrate exactly what I'm talking about.

    There can be no rational discussion in these threads any more because of this kind of partisan attack culture.

    Instead of debating the Al Queda comments about Obamer, all you folks can think to do is attack members from the other party.

    That's too bad for Speaker's Corner, and everyone here who wishes to have factual, logical, rational discussions about the issues.

    Notice how I managed to respond without calling anyone nasty names?
    Notice how I tried to get the topic back on track?

    You guys should try it once in a while.

    i'd just like to point out that nothing i said had anything to do with partisanship, or even politics in general. i was merely pointing out that perhaps not making fun of the name of our president elect, when attempting to express discontent at the lack of integrity and intellect, would better serve your cause. that's all.:)
    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

  10. Quote


    As others have mentioned, your guy lost. Time to move on.

    Yeah, that's shaping up to be the standard response to anything critical about Obamer. It makes for a great factual, logical and non-partisan intellectual discussion about the issues.

    how exactly is intentionally misspelling the president elect's name conducive to logical and intellectual non-partisan discussion? i'd say it borders on childish and irreverent.:D
    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

  11. Quote

    If you still have alcohol in your stomach, you can eat a flour tortilla and it will soak up the rest of the alcohol in your stomach. That way you can stop feeling drunk. not sure if that stops the hangover the next day give it a shot after you are done with shots.:D-Caress

    i'm pretty sure eating to absorb any alcohol in your stomach will do little to sober you up. it may keep what's in there from absorbing into the bloodstream, but i think i heard that even that is a myth. i usually eat when i'm drunk to avoid throwing up...and to try and fend off the spins. ugh.
    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

  12. midol, or any other PMS type medication..my dad taught me that one. not sure why it works, but it does!

    my preferred method is a big bottle of gatorade, a cold shower, and alka-seltzer. the effervescent kind - not the pills. works wonders!
    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

  13. as a matter of fact, in some random thread a thousand years ago (like 3 or 4), you posted something about freebirds, which is the reason i went there for the first time! i had seen one recently open here in dallas and never gave it much thought, but you convinced me. i love the bird bowls.B|

    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

  14. Quote


    I hated freebirds. Kris took me there on his way through Dallas and I was not impressed at all, I'll take Chipotle everyday of the week over Freebirds.

    Kris? Our mexican-bowling-ball-freeflying-mexican, Kris? And he didn't take you to a taco truck where you'll have the best damned taco of your life? I'm embarrassed for him!:P

    I still love Freebirds, even if you are a red-commie and can only eat at a McDonald's owned chain restaurant to enjoy your food.:D

    i know i could search this very easily, but i'm lazy. is freebirds only in texas? every friend from out of state that i've taken to freebirds has hated it. i personally don't like chipotle because that rice they use overpowers EVERYTHING else and all i taste is cilantro. they have no other rice options, and what good would it be without rice?!
    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

  15. Quote


    Does anyone else occasionally find themselves thinking in web-speak?
    On occasion, I find myself wanting to insert "IMO" into a spoken comment, among other stupidities.

    My wife says "LOL". [:/]

    does she actually say the letters: el-oh-el, or "lol" like lol-llygagging? i've always wondered that about other people. i read/think it as the latter, but apparently that's weird?[:/]
    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

  16. i just used one for the first time while in DC last weekend. i have no idea how i'd have survived without it! well, i'm being dramatic, but it definitely came in handy. it did take me to a blocked off road/construction zone once, but that was its only error in 4 days. pretty impressive.
    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

  17. your best bet is to research that particular state's gun laws. not every state has a concealed weapons program...i think my dad told me the other day that around 30 states have laws allowing concealed weapons.

    generally, and i'm not speaking with ANY authority here (going off memory from my CHL class here in texas a while back), weapons are not allowed in federal buildings, hospitals, public schools...and after that, its the business owner's discretion as to whether they allow them or not. that's a very broad statement, though.

    i would imagine that a place like disneyland/world has very strict rules against firearms. most large venues like that do. (i think). and if i remember correctly, you can't have guns w/in a certain distance of the strip in vegas.

    again, if its a concern for you i'd definitely research the area first.
    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

  18. Quote

    Not surprising at all. Persons loyal to one side are very quick to believe any story that comes out the lowers the respectability of their opponent.
    Both Repubs and Dems are guilty of this behavior.

    so true. i was quick to jump on the bandwagon and express my delight when that story broke. gym shoes don't taste so good[:/] lol.

    i learned something, though, and at least all of the "reports" came out after the election. it could have been much worse for all involved if this had happened before election day.
    Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!