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Everything posted by Exegesis-Logos

  1. Thank you for taking some time to express your feelings. And I am sorry to hear you have had some bad experiences with these things. I know that can be painful, and discouraging. But let me encourage you to re-exmine things for just a bit, and I think that if you are honest with yourself, and you really want to find out truth, that you will find it. Seek and you will find. I must clear up some things that have been said in your message. “I agree with you that people define God based on what they believe him to be. But isn't that what you do as well? Your image of God is based on the traditions of early mesopotamians known as the Israelites.” The point I was trying to distinguish here was belief vs. truth. It is not our job to define God, for God can speak for himself. And he has. He has revealed himself throughout history… and first and foremost to the Israelite people. Just because God, chose one group of people to reveal himself to first, does not mean that that group of people made him up. There is fact after fact to support historical claims made throughout the Bible. It is not about how you or I want to define God. God is. And it is simply up to us to discover who he is, not to determine it. “ This tradition of beliefs changed and evolved to suit people's needs, and eventually we have a branch of this tradition ending in evangelical christianity.” Christianity is not centered around tradition, nor did it evolve out of it. Christianity is about having a relationship with God, through the person of Jesus. Traditions are handed down from word of mouth. Jesus was a real person. The things that he did, that are recorded by historians in the Bible, actually happened. They are also confirmed through many other sources that are extra-biblical. We can look at this later. But the point is that Christianity is based on the fact of Jesus walking the earth and dying on the cross, and raising from the dead, which also is confirmed by other extra-biblical sources. “ I know because I used to be what people called a "religious fanatic". But when I looked into it, I mean REALLY looked into it, christianity is just another religion.” This is where I know that you are simply not being honest. Every person that has really studied Christianity, looking with an open mind for what is true, has come to the same conclusion. I am someone who has really looked at Jesus, the gospels, the evidence. I know others who have done the same. Take a man by the name of Josh Macdowell. He set out to do what you claimed you have done. Have you been to Israel? Have you seen the scrolls? Have you studied Greek and Hebrew, reading History as it was originally written? Maybe you have, maybe you haven’t. I know Josh did. And after setting out to show all the contradictions in the bible, and to prove that Christianity was just ‘another religion’, He became one of the greatest advocates or Christianity, authoring many books on his journeys. Maybe reading some of his books can help you with what you have been through. “When I failed to see even one occurance of anything truly supernatural in my life, I began to wonder if I was just brainwashed.” This is what I think this is all about. Because you failed to recognize the work of God in your life, you wrote it off as false. Your Life, my friend, is not about you. Think on these things. “ I used to be quite the "christian apologist", one of those people who can give you 100 reasons why the bible must be true. But you know what? Can't be proved.” The question here is, what can be proved? I am not sitting here and going to tell you that I can beyond a shadow of a doubt tell you that I can prove the Bible is true. But I can tell you that I show you evidence for it’s truth just as much as or better than anyone can show me evidence for the existence of Caesar, Alexander the Great, or even Christopher Columbus. Do you know that George Washington was president? How do you know that? Do you actually know anyone who knows him? Who met him? Are you simply basing that knowledge on historical text evidence? Maybe even archeological evidence? Jesus Christ has the same evidence for him, and every scholar knows it. There is not one educated scholar out there who denies the existence of Jesus. Sure they differ in opinions about who he was, but they all know that he – was. “ Know what else? These concepts of heaven and hell, angels, demons, the Holy Spirit, a man-god named Jesus who dies for the sin of the world, and God creating the world in 7 days... do you know how ridiculous that sounds to people who don't believe?” It sounds pretty ridiculous to me that a group of people could let a man take over their nation, convince them to hate Jews, and proceed on killing over 6 million of them. That sounds absolutely ridiculous to me. But it doesn’t mean it’s not true. My perception of things does not change fact. “What's even more ridiculous is the fact that I had to believe that everybody who does not believe in Jesus is going to spend an eternity in hell. This is a huge ignored logical contradiction! I mean, supposedly, God is perfect, and I'm slime. Actually, I can be a real dick sometimes, but I would never send anybody to hell for eternity just because they chose the wrong religion! But according to the bible, God will. How does that make him perfect? Now I know why whenever I shared my faith people laughed at me.” This is where I know you are not a theologian, and that you really didn’t take the time to look into things, and really understand them. Before you question God on how he is fair in what he chooses to do, read Job 38-42 and answer the questions God has for you. Job was a man question why God did things they way he did as well. When you have answers to the questions God asks of you, then you can come to him and make claims on his view of Justice. His ways are not our ways, and his thoughts, not our thoughts. My finite existence cannot begin to understand the one who created it. “ It seems like some crazy made-up story. Maybe that's because it is. The bible is not perfect. Even when I was a christian I knew that. But those apparent contradictions were always cleverly explained away. Well there's a better explanation. If this was a book inspired by God, then there would be no contradictions. The contradicitons are there because it was a book written by men and inspired by their own motives. How am I supposed to believe that the God that designed the universe expects me to believe that he authored or inspired a book that is full of mistakes? And how I am supposed to believe that if despite those mistakes, if I don't place my faith in the God that is described in that book, I go to hell forever? How am I supposed to believe that?” Again these issues come to my original question. You ask, ‘how am I supposed to believe that’. I tell you – it doesn’t matter if you believe it or not… just like it doesn’t matter if you believe that you are going to be completely okay if you hit the ground without your chute. Believe it or not, if you don’t open your chute, and you meet solid earth, you will die. Your beliefs to not define what is real. What is, is, and you will have to face it sooner or later. Doesn’t really matter what anyone believes… how they justify things…. Even if they don’t like how things actually are. All of it is vanity. That fact is that there is an ending to all of us, we live, and then we die. And no matter what excuses you make, what believe you have, what you think is fair, or how you validate it, you will stand before God and give account for yourself. No one has to take my word on this, not at all. You will see for yourself when you have lived all your life. When the last jump is made, and the last breath is taken. Then it is just you and God. And everyone who has read this is now responsible for what has been said. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the light. Believe in him, and you will have eternal life. Reject him, and go ahead and enjoy the drunkess, drugs, and sexual fantasies you have. Because after your done, Your done. Now everyone who has seen this will be held accountable. When you stand before God, and you say ‘but I didn’t know….I thought it was…’ God will make you remember this day, and say to you… ‘I tried to tell you… but you said no to me.’ I wish you all the Best wishes in life. Chuteless, LuvToFly – See you in the kingdom… and I hope to see all of you there as well. Be safe, and God Bless.
  2. I'm glad you inquired of me Vanilla. I know that I would have trouble trusting or talking to someone I didn't know as well. I can't say that I know all of the people in here, but I got introduced to this place by LuvToFly. He is a good friend of mine. He told me about this place a while ago and I have been meaning to check it out. But work and all has kept me really busy. I have a break for the few days, so that is how I finally got a chance to get logged in. However, the first post I saw was about the CSA, and it grabbed my attention. You see, as much as I love the sky, I honestly have to say that my first Love is God. All in all I just really haven't gotten the chance to post elsewhere. I have only been here for a Day or so... Sorry if that makes you feel uneasy in converstaion. I am sure I will get to it sooner or later. Thanks for asking... and by the way, I really liked that other pic you had up before the one you have now. I do photography on the side.
  3. Jennifer, I agree with alot of what you are saying, and take it from me (not that you have any reason to trust my opinion on anything) but that 'rule' is NOT in there. You can come to God, but as you know from your schooling, and this they were not wrong in... There is one way. Through Jesus Christ. My original question was really not concerning how one goes about persuing a relationship with God, as I agree with you on that... how one chooses to worship is a personal preference... My question was more concerning the very nature and reality of God, as a being, and not in whom we make him out to be. I want to wish you the best of luck with the kids... Children are such a blessing... Chris.
  4. Again, it is so hard to have a variety of answers that please everyone. I know that you read my statement on the CSA thread... So having such an increase in Post-modern Relativism... has is one to fabricate the mental image of each person? I think this was just ment to be a simple poll... I don't understand why people get so offended by this... like LuvToFly previously stated... this is a voluntary thread... no one is forced to give there opinion.... but interestingly enough... the majority of the opinions posted in here are from people who 'don't like to talk about the subject.' why post then? Look at it.... laugh it off, and for all of you who think this is going to end up in some big fall out... let it be so. Again... just laugh it off and move on... Voluntary. For those who like to talk about the subject... by all means do so... for those who are highly offended by the subject... by all means, you don't have to read these or post here. I know that there are some other conversations that offend me on this server... do I go in and tell them they must stop because it offends me? Certainly not. I simply post elsewhere.
  5. I have noticed a lot of people here, and elsewhere in my life, that take an approach to God that I simply have a hard time understanding…. Please make note that I say these things not out of condemnation to any of you, for you are all my brothers and sisters of the sky… Love to all no matter what. But there seems to be a lot of the “I like to think of God as…” type views. This only leads me to one of 2 conclusions. 1. That ‘God’ or one’s view on ‘God’, is strictly a psychologically developed opinion to suit one’s own needs. If one ‘likes to’ think of God as one thing, than that is what God is. In short, There is no ‘God’, but only a reflection of ourselves that we like to portray as ‘God’. In this view, God is still ‘narrowly defined’, only, God is defined by the person who he is created by. There is no such real being as God…. People are free to assign whatever attributes they would like in a God… and that is what becomes reality. 2. God is a real Being. There are specific attributes to Him. When he is ‘narrowly defined’, it is because he has defined attributes. God likes and dislikes certain things. He is one, specific, personal, and relational being whom we can not simply assign attributes to, but must accept or reject Him for who and what he is. I will not be sly or dishonest with any of you, I fall into the 2nd category, so I am biased in some ways on this. But My question is does belief in something really make it reality. For instance, take anything that is real, and it has definite, narrowly defined attributes. The sky that we all cruise. The saying goes around ‘Blue skies’. What if I think that is to narrowly defining the sky. What if I like to think of the sky as green, that there is no wind as I fall, and that I don’t need to worry about anything happening to my chute, because if I hit the ground, it will be a soft-pillow like experience – I will simply get up and walk away. Just because I believe this, does it make it real? Even though I believe with all my heart that it will be a soft pillow-like landing… what is going to happen if I hit the ground when my chute does not open? Please bare with my question… I simply seek to understand what is true. Much Love to all and... Yeah.. Blue skies.
  6. You are absolutely right in so many areas... I too am a Christian... a disciple of Christ... so what should people think of when they read that statement? What are you thinking of as you read it now? Unfortunately, due to alot of 'Convert Christians', the feelings and emotions that are conjured up at the term Christian are ones of pressuring, lying, money hungry, sheep. I am so sorry that it is that way. As LuvToFly has stated... God is Love, and he loves me, You, and everyone he created... I long for the day when all who claim to be Christians will truly extend the love, patience, and forgiveness that they themselves have recieved from Him. People are so quick to jump on others in fear, anger...bitterness... you won't have to look through to many threads to see that this is true. I know that Some of you who really aren't down with the idea of people talking about God have really been hurt by some people who claim to be all 'righteous' and such... and for that I am truly sorry. For all of those who do not agree with me in these matters, or maybe simply just don't believe in God... I have one thing to say to you... How I treat you... the way I respond to you... the way I feel about you... has nothing to do with any of those things. I care about you in no less a way than I care about someone who agrees with me. I ask you to at least try, if it is possible, to leave what you think you know about Christians or religious people at the doorstep. Not all who claim Christiananity are the same.... and they all certainly don't reflect who Jesus is. I know that I have been hurt by my fair share of 'Christians', and so to find out what God was really all about, I had to take a look at Jesus for myself, and not just at someone who claims to hold to his moral principles. Truth sets Free. So love to all of you... Christian or not, religious or not.... I have love for all of you. 1 sky... 1 God... ?Jumps... Life is a precious thing...
  7. troll v. 'To fish for by trailing a baited line from behind a slowly moving boat.' My comments certainly did not mean to 'troll' anyone along, nor where my comments designed to be evangelistic... they served one purpose, to encourage those such as chuteless and LuvToFly. As you can see from some of the conversations in this post, there are certainly not many in this server who support them... I am sorry if these statements made you uncomfortable, I am not here to try and make any convert or anything... I simply post truth, and anyone is free to look, or turn away - to read and think - or to read and laugh off... Blue skies and fly high.... P.S. Your not damned if you do.
  8. I don't know of anyone who belongs to that organization, but it certainly sounds interesting. Imagine that: Giving Praise to God as you Fall through His glorious Heavens... what a concept. I am sure that He smiles on those who love to enjoy the life He has blessed them with, yet still recognize that it is He who enables them to do so. -'People plan the way the want to live, but only God enables them to do so.' Proverbs 16:9