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  1. if that is the case i guess i won't be seeing the pics as i don't want to leave my self open to attack by taking my fire wall down.... it seems there has been allot of attempts to get virus through in my neck of the woods on our servers out here thanks all of you for your replys -airchris keep feet and knees together and you will be alright
  2. Thank you for your reply but i am trying to track what you are saying....I am the owner of my computer and I have my profile set as an adminstrator... could it be my security settings? or is it my internet server as I am using ADSL? -airchris keep feet and knees together and you will be alright
  3. TY andrea for the quick reply -airchris keep feet and knees together and you will be alright
  4. I was tripping through and wanted to check out the cartoons and it says I am not authorized to view on this server same with the mugshots.... Is there a user fee or something? -airchris keep feet and knees together and you will be alright