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Posts posted by RemiAndKaren

  1. Bull Shit!! Every place in the south I've been to has a box in the back of the plane for jumpers to leave their guns in...
    You know what they say: safety first...
    PS: its not the guns that scare me anyways.. its these CReW Dawgs with half a dozen 6 inch knives hanging at various places on their rigs...

  2. I had my Vector modified from Leg Mount to BBOC and had a spandex pouch.
    I now have a Reflex with the fatory Cordura (actually my rig is parapak)
    I do prefer the parapak pouch.. just "feels" more secure.

  3. I've jumped a Sabre, Diablo and Stileto 170 is the last year and 1/2, at 1.4 wingload
    I fould the Diablo opened the smoother (ie pretty long snivel);
    had the fastest sink rate in full flight;
    had quite a slow sink rate with toggles stowed or in rear risers (slower then the Sabre);
    had the highest toggle pressure and front riser pressure of the 3;
    had no overstreer that needed correction;
    had the least amount of surf of the 3 in straight in approaches (sorry, I dont hook, so cant compare high speed approaches);
    had very fast turns!
    Fun canopy at 1.4, but not the most forgiving.

  4. I'm not really experienced in the grand scheme of things, but I wouldn't think you'd need to be to answer this one: like every thing else in this sport, you, as a jumper, have the final word on what you do... I personnaly dont care who tells me to jump: if I dont want to go for whatever reason, I'm not going to!

  5. Hi Skreamer,
    got here almost 2 years ago.... and I'll try the joke one more time: we moved to the UK for the food and the weather.... and If I get another "I can understand the food" or "I can understand the weather" reply from one of you Brits, I swear I'll never say that bad joke again!!! Every body else gets it, except Brits!!!! ;-)
    and as far as Langar goes: where were you this week end? We were there.... ;-)
    Summer? leave it time man... its still officially Spring... I've lived in places that are still covered by snow till mid-may! (mmmm... maybe the weather is not sooooo bad here after all.... )

  6. Nothing is better... everything is different.... how about that for squirting the issue!
    I will agree with the posts surrounding the lenght of time between jumps.... I would go one step further and say save till you can pay for the whole program and do the jumps as close together as you can.
    Each time you start from a long time off, you have to re-master your fears; jumping a lot in a short time should lessen that problem and allow you to focus on learning the skills rather then getting over you fear.
    So back to SL vs AFF: I didnt do either (I'm canadian eh!): we have IADs (instructor assisted deployement) and PFF (Progeressive FF, which is AFF but starts off with 2 or 3 IADs, in short).
    My preference is AFF/PFF, but then that's just me...

  7. Hi all,
    I guess its an official de-lurk! (ya ... beer)
    Has anyone got any insider info on what is happening for the Espace Boogie this year?
    I'm still waiting for the official answer from their website (i.e. Antonov at Vichy or multi plane at Lapalisse)...
    Thx in advance