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    Cypres 2

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  1. Has anyone jumped at the DZ in cyprus? I'm not hardcore enough to jump in British December temperatures!
  2. Am very new to this website and just saying thanks for the yet more info I'm sponging up on the sport. Yes I was doing a solo(consols) No, the AAD didn't fire And hope not to be under a reserve again, but the plus side it was comforting to know I could think straight in freefall when the unexpected happens and act quick enough.
  3. The situation was: couldn't pull my main as had a very surprising shoulder problem in freefall on my 14th jump and I couldn't pull my main as couldn't move my right arm back at all, pulled my reserve without cutting away as there was nothing wrong with the main and just didn't feel at time it was necessary, but when I pulled the reserve handle on a student rig, the handle didn't come detached. I was still tugging at it with all my strength even when the canopy had just inflated. All was well with the canopy so I didn't worry about it/question it at the time as I didn't know if it is meant to come away or not, I just assumed it should of done. So is it supposed to become detached or not and if it was then why what would cause it to stay attached? Have recently got my A license now(eventually!) and had to re-do my AFF after a shouder op so with just 28 jumps under my belt that unanswered question still niggles at me. Thanks guys! GoldwingsX