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Posts posted by jumpnaked69

  1. I did a 4way tunnel camp over Xmas with Gary Smith and Rusty Lewis. My three buddies and I each bought 1.5 hours to start off and then ended up purchasing another 30-45 minutes. It was pretty intense. We did 45 minutes the first day usually with just a coach and the second day we got some time in there together and doing 2ways. I think on the second day we any one of us probably did just over an hour of tough 4way training in there. Remember to stretch between sessions, it really helps.

  2. Three friends and I recently completed a 4way skills camp at the Orlando tunnel through tunnelcamp.com. The camp was great. We had amazing coaching by Rusty Lewis (formerly of Deland Scape) and Gary Smith (formerly of Deland Majik). Each of the four of us purchased 90 minutes of time over two days for a total of six hours. Our experience level was pretty low all around. Two of us had just over 100 jumps, one guy had about 65 and the other dude had just finished AFF a few days prior. We covered body position, presenting grips, turns, superpositionals, sideslides, fall rate change, verticals, and a few other topics. The camp was exhausting but REALLY very worth the money. Craig Buxton of Tunnelcamp.com was extremely helpful in setting things up and welcoming us to the camp. I know that I'm flying worlds better than before and it was worth every penny. I recommend serious stretching and some conditioning before the camp starts. I'm looking to do another camp in November if I can save the money. I think it's a good investment for anyone that's serious about skydiving and better the earlier you get in.

  3. Last summer one of my SERE instructors had some footage of MFF training and some amazing footage of the GK. Anything and everything would be great. Either on disc or DVD format. Please let me know however much the shipping will be. Thanks a lot for the help!
