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Posts posted by peregrinerose

  1. It is not in me to believe in the Bible, a text written with possible divine influence, but still written with the flawed words of flawed men. I can't choose to follow words that I know are by their very nature flawed. I also can't find it in me to believe in any one religion. God is something so vast no human mind could truly wrap around it so all that any of us see, if anything, is a little flicker of a glimpse. Like the blind men and the elephant, we all see something different, none truly right, none truly wrong. I see so much hate caused by religion, so much war and killing and evil at the root of religion... US in the Phillipenes, Manifest Destiny, WWII, the crusades, if I were to join a church, any church (Christian or otherwise), I would be tacetly giving my approval of such things, just by my presense. Morally, I can not do that. Arthur C. Clarke said that religion was invented by the devil to cloud our view of God. The more I read and experience, the more I tend to agree with that.

    My ethical code, my morals, every fiber of my being is truly repulsed by the concept of following the Bible, the Quran, or any other work of man. To claim to believe in Jesus Christ would be a lie told out of fear, not a true belief in my inner soul, and I can't live a life as a liar, if I can't be true to myself first, how could I possibly be true to any deity?

    It took many years of study, of soulsearching and introspection to determine this. I was raised in the Catholic church, in college was very active in the presbyterian church. I led Bible studies, I led 4th and 5th grade youth groups, but the more I did it, the more I realized that I was putting on a show, that I wasn't truly believing in what I taught, only doing so because that was how I was raised and the fear of believing differently kept me from being honest with myself.

    I know in my heart that my way to God is not in a church full of hypocrasy or a Bible of words so dilute from translation, time, and the flawed fingers of the men who initially wrote them. To say otherwise would be untrue. I connect most with a great spirit, or deity, or god, or oneness, or whatever you want to call it, when I am alone, outdoors, listening to the whisper of the wind and the rustle of the trees or watching a hawk in flight or any other number of things around me. I don't know if it is God or just string theory that is tying us all together that I am perceiving, but that is what I do believe in.

    Am I going to hell for my beliefs? Maybe, but I would just as surely go to hell for lying about the very fundamental things that make me who I am and living that lie. It is a catch 22, so I choose to believe in my heart.

    I read all these words, back and forth, and wonder why some people are so intent on changing another man's heart or soul. No matter what you believe (or disbelieve), that is fundamental part of who you are and can not be changed by logic or arguement or anything else, only by experience and introspection, a journy of the individual soul, not a stampede of the masses.


    Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

  2. You are waaay late on getting checked. Any base type chemical (detergent, bleach, etc) goes straight through the cornea and into the eye FAST. It needs to be looked at right away because the damage can be very severe. The blur is from the cornea swelling, when it swells, it becomes less transparent, almost opaque, so everything looks hazy. You can also have an iritis (the iris is essentially bruised and irritated) which makes things painful and light sensitive. Both the water and the chemical will cause superficial damage to the cornea which hurts like hell.

    Glad you are getting it checked, hopefully now you'll remember to wash your hands before going anywhere near your contact lenses and eyes. Throw out that contact lens as it has already absorbed whatever was on your hand.

    Jen OD, MS

    Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

  3. The problems with night vision aren't from the person's own headlights, but the headlights coming toward them. Tinting their own lights aren't going to do a bit of good. Using yellow tints can decrease night vision in those that are night blind because it cuts out blue wavelengths which the rods are most sensitive to and the cone system isn't working all that well at night.

    Yellow tints DO help with glare control. Blue wavelengths scatter the most inside the eye, yellow cuts out blue wavelengths, so less scatter, so better contrast sensitivity. This isn't the same as 'night blindness.'

    True night blindness is actually pretty rare, a lot of people call things night blindness that really isn't, most of these are fixable (new glasses, cataract removal, etc.). A deficiency in rods does cause night vision problems, things like retinitis pigmentosa, rod dystrophy, etc. These folks often have associated visual field loss and visual acuity loss so shouldn't be driving at night anyway.

    How's that for more info than you really needed to know :-) If this is on Jeopardy and you win, I get 10%

    Jen (Mrs. skydivingchad) OD, MS
    Low vision rehab optometrist

    Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

  4. The way I see it, if he has morning breath, and I have morning breath, it kind of cancels each other out and it really doesn't matter a bit. That, and I'm never one to turn down morning sex (or any other time of day sex) with my beloved when given 1/2 a chance ;)

    Skydivingchad's wife

    Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

  5. Well, I'm Chad's wife, who sat here cracking up while he posted this. Just to clarify, to me, belly button lint is like little bluish tribbles, sentient life forms sent to proliferate and eventually take over the world, and at the rate he produces those buggers, ya'll better start getting your anti belly button ray guns out before they invade your town!! ;)

    Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda