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Posts posted by frankiebrina

  1. Hi everyone. Its been over a year since i've posted. I was away for awhile due to circumstances but I hope to come back to the sport shortly. Im looking for canopies for sale (used) i know there is a classified on this website but i cant find what im looking for. Can anyone give me some idea of other websites to look?
    Thank you,

  2. Well I flew the canopy on march 4th.
    It had been 1 month since my last jump so I don't know why but I was quite nervous.
    Believe it or not my legs started shaking.... I was a bit scared.
    I jumped out at 6000 and opened immediately. It was great I felt so much control while the canopy was opening. It was like I controlled the canopy and not the other way around.
    Wow canopy open, beautiful ! Fast turns, but not as fast as expected.
    Had a very nice landing but as crazy as it may sound my swoop was actually shorter and worse then on my sabre 150. Actually my landing even thou I stood it up looked (ugly) like the ones I used to have long time ago when I got my Sabre. Guess I have to learn again.

    Still it flew great!! The toggle pressure was a little hard but not as bad as the sabre 1.:ph34r:

  3. Anyone here knows where I can find a quick study guide to use this adobe Premiere Pro 7.0. I just got it today and it´s bugging me.
    I´m used to stupid easy stuff like MovieMaker and Movie Shaker. For this one I´m going to have to do some reading.
    Any ideas or quick refrence guides??
    Anything is usefull.

    Frankie Brina:)

  4. Quote

    >Consider a situation where both are out.
    >I beleive it´s good to have main and reserve arou the same size.

    Derek did a few test jumps and showed that canopy size wasn't that big a deal. Even a reserve twice as large as a main flew OK together.

    My bad then.
    just buy anything then.;)

  5. :P YES!!!
    Not what I actually was planning on getting (CROSSFIRE 129) but fair enough.
    Planned on getting a Katana 120. But after almost going threw with the purchase, I figured the reviews where very intense especially for me with 310 jumps on square 150.
    Still I can't wait!!
    And yes I know the crossfire 129 is not less dangerous.
    Next Wednesday I'll try it out.!!!!!:P

    ANY ADVICE???????????????????????;)

  6. Yeah go over profiles at who's online for example and you will see many girls with small canopies but low wing loadings also.
    But I would say someone flying a 99sq ft at .85 is much more dangerous then someone at 1.4 flying a 190 sq ft.
    So that said my poll will not give us the answer I seek. I will try tomorrow to elaborate something that will work. If anyone has any ideas feel free. I'm about to leave work right know and have no time.:)