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  • Home DZ
    My dropzone is the west side of the house, but I pee on ever
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  1. A couple of things remain constant at our house. This one is most SERIOUS to all of us K9’s. IF the coffee pot goes off two times, only AirAnn is the house, AND she gets out the Power Tools. RUN Today, was a Total Mal. She drank giant amounts of the drug Coffee-Jet Fuel. Her power tool of choice today - the freaking SHEARS AND THE SPECIAL SCISSORS. Oh gawd, she caught me. I had to sit still forever, NOT. You would think after several mistakes she would like, Stop. Oh hell no. AirAnn whacked off part of my god damn Mohawk! AND to top off the brisket, AirAnn cut my ears uneven! Lookit, I get my hairs cut, I get the shampoo and thats pretty much it. BUT, I get the shampoo on Fridays. Today is trash day, NOT Friday. There is your Sign. Trailmix, Levin's cat with the same superior expression, looked like that Cheshire Cat Dude. Spam, the new kitten, laughed. I will get his ass later. FleaFlyer grinned, my GF Bitch next door who only speaks Chihuahua Spanish, a sharp insulting bark. My buddy on the other side of the yard, wouldnt even come outside. Where are those TV dudes, Queer Eyes, when you need them? Oh, and Ms. Thang, AirAnn, Treats do not help. Crap, I have had just a DAWG of a day. Seriously, I am looking for either a good lawyer or the number for the Hair Club for Men. Attached is evidence of Uneven Ears and Whacked Mohawk. Damn it, ~ZiPster #3 Top Dog @ AirAnn's Sanctuary for Skydivers and other Animals