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Posts posted by Mirage63

  1. Quote

    I can assure you that my GF, who, BTW, is a cancer survivor, wouldn't be amused if I hung it anywhere at home.

    Kallend that seems terribly unfair. She beat cancer and still has to date you....oh life isn't fair.

    My calendar sits in my study, were my three daughters look at it from time to time. Other than Arlo my wife didn't even raise and eye. The kids just think it's neat that I know most of these women.:P

  2. Art, Art, Art...........what a great way to ruin a good sport.

    My favorite joke:

    How to make a small fortune...
    Start with a large one and open (buy) a dz! :P

    Good luck though, with the right staff and planes you'll do great. Hope to see you at the hog flop.

  3. Hey Jim,

    I heard it was you stowing your boodies (sp) in Dallas....we have sent the video to NASA via Kevin Keenan and as soon as the tape comes back we are going to offer it to the highest bidder. (Fred maybe):P

  4. Quote

    Ha! Just wait 'til you have to dock last on a formation that's slowed down to 102mph and is waving and breathing in and out, and then let us know how easy that was.

    So YOU think that being on the outer ring doing the above is EAISER than doing the same thing with a row of people BEHIND you?? :P

  5. Quote

    It's not about being on the outside of the formation, but some people let ego get in the way and want to be out there.

    Not to take ANYTHING away from you skinny late divers, but being a fat ol boy, I've spent most my big way time as a mid to early diver. The few times I've been way outside (POP's two years ago I was an anchor on the last wacker) I found the slot to be fairly easy. In basic you are sitting close to your slot waiting for the formation to come together. If your a big person your paying close attention to the fall rate.

    It for the most part is a very safe slot. You leave early, and track far. Clear air on opening. You also get to whine about "I didn't get to touch anyone" :P

    Mid divers have lot's of traffic all around them, and need to get in as fast as possible - but smoothly so that the formation has building time.

    Not to mention that if everyone gets out of the plane on time, and the plane formation is good the dives (length) aren't all that impressive anyway.

    Over all, I believe the real ego slots are the mid diver and the later slots are much, much easier.

  6. Maybe Kallend, or somebody of great skill could point out how with an average fall rate of 120 mph people could still be going low. That's smoking along at pretty good pace.

    Or did it start at 120 and slow waaaaay down?

  7. Quote

    It's crap that he's responsible for what our armed forces do? I think perhaps a peek at the organizational chart of the US Armed Forces might be in order if you think that's crap

    better people than me have debated my point to the poster with you Bill. You have no ability to see the other sided of the issue.

    The poster said the war was ENTIRELY GWB fault, do you believe that? Just YES or NO. Entirely his fault.

    Please answer, yes or no.

    (man I'm living on the edge today)

  8. Quote

    WB is making a fool of a mother which lost her son in a war for which he is responsible, him alone and no one else.

    This is such crap. That's right W made up all the intel, in fact he knew that the British, Germans, French ect, ect were wrong.

    Being against the war is great but statements like the above are just crazy :S

    Always always remember its ALL George W Bush fault. EVERYTHING, nobody else.