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Dropzone Reviews posted by bluegremlin

  1. As a student at this DZ i cant say iv noticed anything bad about it, the experienced skydivers dont make you feel like your smaller than them, no one laughs at you if you ask them a question any there is an all round freindly atmosfear.

    When i went there a year ago for my S/L Raps course, i was the only person that turned up on that day. The group of 11 they were expecting didnt turn up, The weather was really bad so the place was almost abandoned and they still went on with the course, i had 2-3 instructors to my self. Most DZ's from what iv gatherd would just have asked you to come back another day.

    Also recently i went and done a jump (Still student) and later on in the day i decided i wanted another but there were no more students still at the DZ wanting to jump (Students can only jump from the C182 and the experienced jump from the TURBOLET) and the owner ian still put the lift up for me (Even though he was obiousley making a loss of £)

    Like i say its grate there (Much better than anywhere else iv been) Definatley worth checking it out if you havent jumped from there recently