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Posts posted by Lindsey

  1. I have a little bit of insight here. I'm a family physician and had a right total knee replacement in 2008. I've jumped 20 or so times since then, but I ultimately gave it up. I'm also a single mom, and my son was young at the time, which contributed more to my decision to give up skydiving than my knee replacement did.

    As far as skydiving with a knee replacement, the risk is not so much the repetitive stress of landings, but more about how bad you could screw it up if you were to...say...Land badly enough to break your femur. The risk is disability! But the risk of skydiving without a knee replacement is also disability...or death. I don't ket my knee replacement dictate mt activities too much.

    My thought were along these lines: right now, after TKA, my knee is great, and I can do most things I want to do. Is skydiving worth the risk of not being able to ride my bike...or hike up pinnacle mountain...or snow ski every winter. In my mind, the risks outweighed the benefits. My 1000 jumps were fun, and I'll remember them fondly. Sometimes I bat around the thought of jumping again. I don't think it'll happen.

    Edited to add: yes. You can run full speed downwind without anY

    difficulty with proper rehab after TKA. I know this. You are not limited in what you CAN do. Your limitations are dictated by what you are willing to risk. the consequences if injury are much greater after TKA.

    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  2. Quote

    What could happen that it is now alright for her to drink and drive at 3 X the limit. Alot can happen I agree, but that doesn't make it ok.

    It's not that it's okay, but people are human. People have problems and they screw up. I hope she gets things straightened out in her life.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  3. Quote

    I'm trying to understand why folks think that the immediate results of an egg and a sperm uniting are a human being?

    I don't. I really, really don't. I don't think abortion is a great idea, but emphatically think it should be legal, particularly in the first 4 months or so. Yes, 4.

    But I'm interested in why people think it is a full-on human being. But reasons, not just assertions.

    Wendy P.

    There are many, many who don't get it like you. I think it's the bible belt...the preachers...who keep people from being rational. Maybe I'm wrong. It IS National Margarita Day, after all.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  4. He should not have to pay for the abortion. She should have the right to an abortion regardless of what he wants. If he wants to raise the child, and she doesn't want a child, if she's worth her salt she'll carry the baby to term and give the child up to him...and pay child support until the young'un is 18.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  5. Quote


    Maybe they count the number of pleasure-inducing nerve endings that are lost.

    Or maybe they estimate it. Then, of course, they fail to account for neuroligical development from infancy through adulthood (which is rather significant, hence kids have a FAR better improvement from neurologic insult than do adults facing the same injury).

    As I wrote, I think the best comparison would be to compare:
    (1) Uncircumcised;
    (2) Circumcised as infant;
    (3) Circumcised as adult;
    (4) Infant circumcision restored as adult

    You don't lose nerves to the head of the penis in a circumcision.... I think the *estimated* decreased sensitivity is because the glans isn't protected by a foreskin anymore.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  6. Quote

    Something to think about: don't we really want the kind of person who would trade a gun for a sex toy to be a little more mature???

    Maybe this is a good way to detect the difference.

    Wendy P.

    Personally, I'd rather my 13 y/o son have a gun (or 3...two rifles and a shotgun) than a sex toy. I might hafta shoot someone who tried to lead him astray.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  7. I care more about our people than theirs. I care more about our people than dollars. We're losing both I think we should concentrate our money and our people on our back yard. But I'm a simple
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  8. Quote

    How did people get healthcare before government and insurance companies made it this mess?

    Chickens. At least that's how it was done around here. Chickens and pigs. An occasional cow. Now it's illegal for us to take anything besides money.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  9. Quote




    I LOVE those folks who wait til they're damn near dead and then show up expecting us to jump in and save you at the last possible Ugh.


    We'd be a helluva lot better off if more people were less willing to suck off of others.

    Well, if one could afford the insurance that would allow him to visit you earlier than at the last minute, he would more than likely do so.
    Until then he has no recourse, other than dying on your doorstep, than to suck off you.

    When one is looking at the cost of insurance vs the cost of having a place to live, the most immediate need gets satisfied first.

    That's not entirely true. There are community-based health centers, already easily accessible, who provide services to people without insurance. This is basic healthcare that is already funded by federal tax dollars. I know where they are in my area, and they're not hard to find. But people who cannot afford healthcare get care that is free to them at these clinics. If they come to my clinic, they pay something, though I'm happy with $5 a month if that's the best someone can do.

    There ARE ways to get basic healthcare paid for. Avenues are already in place. But people prefer to whine rather than use them.

    Well make up your mind...the g'ment subsidizing the ER hospital or subsidizing the health clinic...what's the difference? They, "those folks", are sucking off YOU but one way is OK with you and the other is not?

    Thank you, Janus.

    Or maybe you just wanted to post, "That's not entirely true." to try to convince someone you know what you're talking about. I tell me.

    The difference is that it's really expensive through the ER, but not so expensive through a clinic. I do believe we should provide for basic healthcare for people who can't afford it. The ER isn't the place for that. The clinics that already exist do a good job.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  10. Quote


    I LOVE those folks who wait til they're damn near dead and then show up expecting us to jump in and save you at the last possible Ugh.


    We'd be a helluva lot better off if more people were less willing to suck off of others.

    Well, if one could afford the insurance that would allow him to visit you earlier than at the last minute, he would more than likely do so.
    Until then he has no recourse, other than dying on your doorstep, than to suck off you.

    When one is looking at the cost of insurance vs the cost of having a place to live, the most immediate need gets satisfied first.

    That's not entirely true. There are community-based health centers, already easily accessible, who provide services to people without insurance. This is basic healthcare that is already funded by federal tax dollars. I know where they are in my area, and they're not hard to find. But people who cannot afford healthcare get care that is free to them at these clinics. If they come to my clinic, they pay something, though I'm happy with $5 a month if that's the best someone can do.

    There ARE ways to get basic healthcare paid for. Avenues are already in place. But people prefer to whine rather than use them.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  11. As far as it being harder to achieve when you don't have your health. So what if it's HARDER? So what?! It's life. I went back to work 2 weeks after my total knee replacement...because I HAD to. Was I ready? No. Was it hard? Yes. After my bilateral mastectomy, which came very quickly after noticing a lump, I was back at work in less than a week...because I HAD to. It hasn't been easy either. But just because things aren't easy isn't a good excuse to be a knot on a log! Nothing wrong with deciding to do...and doing...better than the minimum. We'd be a helluva lot better off if more people were less willing to suck off of others.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  12. Quote


    There needs to be something for folks who just don't have it.

    No... if we properly fixed the problems that we do have, not with government bureaucracy and idiotic regulations... Health Insurance would be affordable.

    And we need to end Employment Based Health Insurance.

    And if wishes were horses all beggars would ride.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  13. I've been VERY pleased with my insurance coverage and all it pays. Before a few years ago, I had NO health problems. Then several knee surgeries, knee replacement, a few medical troubles along the way, shoulder problems and shoulder surgery, then breast cancer, mastectomy, reconstruction...ugh. My out of pocket cost has been incredibly low.

    I pay the health insurance premiums for my employees. Our premiums have gone through the ROOF! It's crazy expensive! I don't LIKE paying it, but I do, because it's important and worth the cost. I see it as my responsibility. That's what people don't get. They don't like paying the premiums...maybe because of a sense of entitlement and maybe because they'd like to do something more fun with their money. I like my employees being covered, and I like being covered. Ya' never know when the other shoe is gonna drop.

    Then there are people who just can't afford it. If you're choosing between eating and paying for health insurance, eating wins. There needs to be something for folks who just don't have it. Doesn't mean we have to have a sweeping national health plan. But providing basic healthcare to people who have no means isn't unreasonable.

    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  14. Quote


    That's not really true. If someone comes into the ER with a non-emergent complaint (i.e. using the ER as a clinic), we can and DO triage them out. We don't treat them in the ER and have them follow up with another physician.

    Does that vary from ER to ER? Because I've read some stuff that makes it sound like a significant impact to some ERs

    Wendy P.

    ABSOLUTELY it varies from ER to ER, and from physician to physician in each ER. But the physican can make that call. We do have some control over the over-spending in THIS area. We don't HAVE to let people use the ER for primary care.

    Some ERs and doctors may not WANT that business to go away, because it is a lot of dollars.

    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  15. Quote



    Groovy. Now that we've determined that we can't force people to buy insurance, we'll just provide it to them for free.
    Happy now?

    Please continue so I may better understand your point

    This is a case of "be careful what you wish for."

    Emergency rooms will not turn away people that can't pay for healthcare.

    Now, instead of forcing people to buy "some" healthcare, they won't buy any yet will still get it in emergency rooms.

    Guess who actually pays for that?

    Happy now?

    That's not really true. If someone comes into the ER with a non-emergent complaint (i.e. using the ER as a clinic), we can and DO triage them out. We don't treat them in the ER and have them follow up with another physician.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  16. Quote


    But as it is, she's prob'ly paid 1/3 of her earnings to who knows whom. Heck yeah, she should get what's hers! She'd be crazy not to.

    As the SCOTUS has previously ruled, it ISN'T hers at all.

    okay...then some of what she "paid in." What was taken from her wasn't hers, but what she can recoup IS. Take it, Chick!
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  17. I think she has some very valid points. But we live in a situation that is not optimal, and those of us who work for a living pay WAAAAY too much for those who don't. If that weren't the case, then there'd be no reason for her to tap into the SS system. But as it is, she's prob'ly paid 1/3 of her earnings to who knows whom. Heck yeah, she should get what's hers! She'd be crazy not to. If she HADN'T paid so many of her dollars in, then it'd be a different story.

    I'll collect every penny back that I can get too! If the dimwit down the street who thinks she shouldn't have to work because she's a single mom...why should she get MY money when I work TOO many hours and am also a single mom. When I'm able to collect it back, there's no disgrace in taking it. It's MY money in the coffers. It's hers too. Good for her for snagging back every penny she can.

    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  18. Quote


    I thought this was going to be about steaming crock pot food.

    I thought the same thing too! I clicked on this thread because I was confused about why Shah would be posting about food.

    Hey Shah - you would like flying Virgin Airlines in Australia. Working as a stewardess for that airline is the equivalent of being a waitress in LA.

    I did NOT think the same thing, and when I read the subject I wanted to holler for my son, who I have told that the "flight attendants" who used to be "stewardesses" didn't used to be so SCARY! Some of these folks make it hard to close your eyes in flight! Don't fly American or Delta. GYAAA! It'll give you nightmares!
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  19. Quote


    Kinda like gravity sucks! Yeah. LOVE IT! Da BEARS!

    linz :)
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail