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Posts posted by dustin19d

  1. I thought I'd share with you all a few images from the Golden Knights winter training. They started 21 January and will wrap up next week.

    Images courtesy of the US Army Parachute Team

    Photographers: SSG Dan Cook, SSG Kevin Presgraves, SFC Joe Abelin, SGT John Lopez

  2. Analogs stick from time to time especialy under canopy, It's just the way they are and why they have a stated margin of error. I use one for work and we've sent back numerous Alti-2's thinking our smoke slag was fouling them up but got the same performance immediately after they were refurbished.

  3. This marks the end of yet another winter training down here in Southern Florida for the GK's. This was taken today over Homestead, FL. Our new guys this year have been "on it" when it comes to CRW. They even like strap workB|

    I think I over shrunk these pics though to get them to post...?

  4. Quote

    EDIT: i see now its the american flag- but later on rather than use the toggle he creates a loop in the line and uses it to turn

    He's pulling on the outside A line. Esentialy a front riser dive but on big canopies the riser has way to much pressure so you just pull on that one line and away you go.

  5. Quote

    The value of this is in reminding or educating that it can be difficult or impossible to get out of a plane that is doing bad stuff.

    And when you do clear the plane deploy your parachute! Both of these videos bug me. There's no good reason to perform an emergency bailout then go skydiving with the plane [:/]

  6. Quote


    How so? with any weapon, Lethal or LTL there are rules to follow. You can't shoot it at someone standing on a street corner 300M away talking on a cell phone. Could he be studying you, yes. Do his actions show hostile intent, No.

    That depends on the AO. In Ramadi, anyone observing with optics, talking on a cell phone, digging or carrying a weapon in the open constituted hostile intent in the ROE, allowing us to respond "accordingly".

    I know, I've been there(Ramadi). But things have changed.
    On a side note everything we do is reactive and its pissing me off.

  7. Quote

    I see it as part of site hardening

    I agree, I already said that.


    stops anyone from studying the target directly

    How so? with any weapon, Lethal or LTL there are rules to follow. You can't shoot it at someone standing on a street corner 300M away talking on a cell phone. Could he be studying you, yes. Do his actions show hostile intent, No.

  8. Quote

    Non Lethal Directed Energy Weapons is a positive step forward. I believe when combined that they will provide an efficient first defense.

    And where is this "Large Dish" going to go? Do we remove the lethal weapon system from one truck to make room for it in an already cramped turret? Im not going to go into the headaches this would cause. This thing will get destroyed pretty quick by IED shrapnel, then what are you left with? Besides our trucks are grossly over weight as it is by several thousand pounds. Do I sacrifice a counter IED system, an armor panel, extra water to accommodate it? hummmmm.

    "Hey sergeant why the hell did you kill that guy digging in the mortar tube, don't you know that you're supposed to zap them with the ray so they can run off and try again later":S<------And trust me this will happen. I shot and killed a dog that was inches from digging into my leg. The squadron commander was pissed I didnt: Yell at the dog first, then shoot it with non-lethal, then ask the owner for permission to kill it. Sworn statements had to go all the way to Division over a fuckin rabid dog. That is whats happening over here.>:( And this is why after 11 years service I will be leaving the Army.

    I can see it coming in handy for riot control on FOB perimeters and MOOTW operations. But keep it away from combat operations, at least until its not described as Large.

  9. 2kcomposites helmets don't come in sizes (s,m,l,etc) they make it to fit your head size and shape. But they specialize in camera helmets. If you can't find anything that fits from the classifieds or local gear shops you could get a custom built Side -FX, then you'd have a platform for a camera later on.

  10. Quote


    White is white phosphorus

    Not quite, white phosphorus is a completely different type of grenade and there is no way you could even remotely confuse it as a smoke as it immediately begins to burn through what ever it is touching. White smoke is labeled as "HC" and is indeed a heavy concentrate of just that, white smoke.

    Just some clarification. The colored smoke: yellow, green, red and violet are M18's. White comes in 2 varieties. M83-TA and M8-HC (not Heavy Concentrate but rather HexaChloroethane) witch is toxic. HC is easily distinguishable from TA by weight alone, its heavier and burns longer and thicker hence the nick name "Heavy Concentrate". HC will also burn whatever it is thrown on because it shoots a good amount of flame out the bottom like a blow torch.

    Oh and the white phosphorus one your talking about is an all Red canister labeled "Incendiary". If you come across one don't tie it to your foot unless you want to die.

  11. Quote

    I used to be able to run like a deer. I could do 30 kilometers with a full combat load in under four hours. Then I started aging.

    :D Funny isn't it! When I first joined the Army I went to The Netherlands and did a 100 mile ruck march in 4 days. Well fast forward 5 years, shrink 2 inches and suddenly its hard to complete 25 miles under combat load in 10hours.
    Don't you hate that shit[:/]

    But I have not and never will let a Private out DO me!