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Dropzone Reviews posted by monte

  1. Other reviews have already addressed the issue of friendliness at this DZ, so I won't beat the dead horse. What put me off so much about this place was the lack of concern with safety. I went to ASC with around 50 jumps and an A licence. I was given some advice on the landing area (or lack there-of) from the staff, which was appreciated. However, once being manifested and heading towards the aircraft, no one on the load asked for or offered a gear check. Once in the plane, no one wore seat belts except for the pilot. I asked, but no one could even find one for me to put on and it was clear that some of the jumpers found this kind of concern humorous. This attitude is not acceptable in our sport; friendliness is based on personality and can be overlooked, but attention to the safety of all skydivers is essential to keeping low numbers of injuries and fatalities.