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Everything posted by byrco

  1. Its when i jump, first im feeling that the pressure is getting higher and higher during the free fall... and im hearing less. Thats ok, and then when the parachute opens the pressure is still there and it begins to ache terribly... This can come together with terrible sounds in the ear, and when i landed i rarely hear anything and moving the head too fast or rotating it will cause a painful feeling in the head again. For 2 days im then having problems till its on a normal level... ok the pressure inside my head then still is way above 0 (where it should be) but im feeling better then... I heard that lots of people are having such problems during a flight and with compensating exercised during the flight its ok... that also works for me during a flight, but when im jumping sth like that is... well not possible. Now is there probably somebody having the same problem and managed it to do skydiving anyways. And i dont know... but blocking the sinuses is really sth that will help? I mean im willing to try anything... just to get me up in the air again... without pain
  2. Hello... i am absolute beginner in skydiving. I only made a few tandem jumps... id like to do an education now jump for myself but i have a problem... the pressure differences are too much for my ears and i can hardly compensate that. The result is i am taking risks on my health (concerning my ears)... besides taht im totally fit and in every aspect qualified for skydiving. As i said i jumped a few times and i loved it, i want to jump on... alone... more often... Now i had the idea of a pressure helmet, well they are there yet.. only beeing done for military issues for very high altitudes concerning the whole body and so... now i would only need a helmet keeping the pressure for my ears and providing me with oxygen during the flight... so only 10 mins or so, going up jumping, landing... thats it. I know how im saying this now it sounds like this is the easiest thing in the world... but i realize that im not a professional... no far away from it, but i wanted to know if you ppl think this is possible... having only a helmet taking care of the pressure in the head and keeping the pressure from the ground for about 10-15 mins. So i thought i get me this helmet... put it on on the ground shortly before a start. Put on the oxygen flow, the pressure is like on the ground... going up... still same pressure... jumping, landing... again on the same level as i started i take of the helmet and its cool. I thought this could work as the pressure differences are actually not that high... i also jumped without these things (it will hurt my health if i do it regulary), so it wouldnt need be a NASA approved helmet, as it only would have to work until 4000-5000m... Well thats the idea i had... and i would kick my ass if cant say i tried everything. Lets take aside the money aspect... would it be possible without wearing a space suit or sth like that... Would be glad to hear some opinions...