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Everything posted by posterunknown

  1. didn't you ride a moose??? you posted it in your myspace blog didn't you? -kel-
  2. i used to like M&Ms when i was growing up, and my dad used to constantly tell me if i didn't stop eating them, then i would start to look like an M&M. I think i started to believe that when my mom told me that I was fat, ugly, and stupid, and would never amount to anything (that was 4th grade). I'm not fat, and i'm not stupid, but i still see a 'fat female' behind everything. Also, although my brother and I are friends, it didn't help that when i was growing up, my hair used to be pretty wavy... not curly not straight, my brother used to make fun of my 'wavy' hair, and i was always self conscious of it. It's okay now though, but growing up it sucked!
  3. okay, so this is not my usual post name, but in order to keep myself from being in trouble here, I'm going to post under this name. I ALSO WAS NEVER PIED FOR MY 100th JUMP!!!!!!! That was years ago!!!!!! I have just learned to keep it quiet. Only 1 skydiver knows this, and isn't on this website, so I have nothing to worry. unfortunatly I travel a lot to do skydiving, so I have to be quiet, because too many people know me, and would love to get the chance to do this to me. NEVER BEEN PIED and never will
  4. I guess it depends on the situation. If it's someone you like, just talk to them, say hi, see if there's any connection between you two. If it's someone that you don't want to be thinking about... ...hire a hitman and kill them Seriously, it all just depends. kelly
  5. ya, we can be hard...well I can be hard, but i don't want to hurt any guy's feelings. i feel bad. making guys think that they're breaking up with you is the BEST way to get rid of them
  6. Hey y'all, well I have some AWFUL things i usually do. When i was in college, i was dating a guy, and he was somewhat possessive. I got sick of it, and got a tongue ring. He got mad that I never asked him about it (like it was any of his business). A few days later we broke up. That was a one case situation. What i usually do, when i ditch a guy (i always get sick of guys) I either make myself before real distant, then we just "grow apart", or I become a bitch. I always try to get the guy to break up with me, therefore there's no hard feelings, and we can both get along fine afterwards. I know it's a horrible thing, but i find it easier that way