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Posts posted by skydivingdutch

  1. I am not talking about the freefly dvds that include people getting a blowjob or experiments with the list of transitions in iMovie.

    I want to know if someone has done a good well thought out documentary of the skydiving scene, the people, dropzones, adventures, risks, interviews etc. Something positive (but realistic) for the sport, that a wuffo could watch and get interested in. Something you could see aired on Discovery or so.
    Plenty of docs like this have been made over sea exploration for example.

  2. the new L&B Solo.

    I have normally just relied on watching my altimeter. But then I had this kick ass jump that went really well, and my jump buddy broke off when his dytter went off, and I was like oh yeah.

    Kinda scared me. First time I really lost altitude awareness.

  3. Ugg - how long does it take to build up strength?

    I'm like aaahhh - i can't hold it and then check my alt - 8k!
    I am all sore today from yesterday's flights.

    Also, I want to do that WS hybrid jump where you have a friend in a back track underneath hanging from your cheststrap (with no wingsuit). Is that hard to setup?

  4. I have my new Phatom, and have made like 4 jumps on it so far.
    My performace increased quicly each jump, much more so than the GTI or Firebird that i demo'ed. Last jump was 125 seconds, including me pulling high because my arms got tired. Got into the high 40's there.

    I'm telling ya, if you get a change to demo one, please do!

    Oh yeah: I really like the construction on the Phantom. The subtle inlets, the padding in the arms & knees - very well made!

  5. I have a Saber 1 135 this is what I do: quater the slider as much as possible and shove the nose all the way into the pack job, no rolling. This has always given me good openings, and I jave talked to some Sabre2 owners that this works on.