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Posts posted by jpjc2000

  1. Interesting take on how we got here...!

  2. I'm sure being dead will be just like it was before being born, from what I remember that was ok.

    April 17th 2017, 29 years straight & sober....thank you family, friends & "me" ;)

  3. gowlerk

    ***Lodi is legendary.

    Don't talk shit unless, you've jumped there.

    I've never jumped there, but I agree it's legendary. Currently it's legendary for having large aircraft with no one wearing seat belts. Maybe soon it will be legendary for the tragic accident that had unnecessary fatalities. Some legends are best to read about, and not to be part of.

    Anything beyond you're first four words hold no validity…"Life serves us well to believe very little of what we hear and half of what we think we see"

  4. kallend

    ***>Even if juries, the police, prosecutors and crime labs never made a mistake, capital
    >punishment is racially disparate, geographically arbitrary, and based upon the
    >economic status of capital defendants.

    If every single person on death row were black (or white, or male, or Muslim) it wouldn't bother me one bit - PROVIDED the justice system was 100% accurate. Why would it bother you?

    1. It can't ever be 100% accurate.

    2. It would still be geographically arbitrary, and based upon the economic status of defendants.

    3. Killing people to show that killing people is wrong makes no sense.

    1. Nothing is 100% accurate, who ever said it was?

    2. Always been that way, will always be that way as long as humans are sucking air.

    3. Killing people who killed I don't disagree with, but it's not a deterrent to someone while committing the crime.

  5. kallend

    Well, SURPRISE, the commission appointed by Christie to exonerate him has.... exonerated him.

    Amazingly, it didn't actually bother to interview a bunch of the players in the bridge closings, such as David Wildstein, Bridget Kelly, Bill Baroni, (Wildstein’s superior at the Port Authority and a Christie supporter, and Bill Stepien, Christie’s former campaign manager.

    Finally…the re-pukes are learning how to play the game like dem-dummies have all along ;)

  6. So sorry about your situation, it's always tough.

    We get adopted by senior greyhounds, 9 over the last 7 years, needless to say we've had to help 6 of them into forever land. We choose to cremate them individually and pick out some kind of urn reflecting their color and attitude. I know it's more for us and not them, but it's just what we prefer to do in honoring them.

    That being said, it's strictly personal, what makes you comfortable…we hope smiles & fond memories replace the grief quickly.

  7. quade

    I don't have personal knowledge that somebody is cheating at a card table right now in Las Vegas.

    That said, I am 100% certain there is.

    You mean to tell me there are people jumping out of date reserves or pencil packed reserves….OMG! This should be MUCH more regulated by the feds. :P

  8. Not a fan of USPA's accident insurance, seems high priced for very little coverage. 35 years skydiving and I can't recall but a few who've lost an eye, foot, finger, hand or limb of any kind. We wanted coverage if I died skydiving.

    The high risk accidental death coverage is through Peterson International Underwriters who sells Loyd's policies.

    We have a regular term policy excluding skydiving in case I croak from some sickness or common accident. If I die in a car wreck, or some other accident we collect on both policies, sickness or skydiving only one.

  9. Quote

    The Republicans no more Crashed the economy alone, than the Democrats.

    So the answer to Kallend's question is the same. Now, if he asks if the Republicans were equally to blame with the Democrats, then the answer is, Yes.

    You only mention the House (currently controlled by the Republicans) but not the Senate (still currently controlled by the Democrats).

    Both parties are failures, to have faith on one of the other as the "fix" for the problem THEY caused TOGETHER, is naive or down right dishonest.

    You hate Conservatives, and conversely the Republicans, I get it. But that hatred makes debate with you impossible, since the opposition to you is "always wrong", even, if not.

    You should hate both parties equally, like I do, makes it easier to debate the truth, since the party line is not one you will have to follow.


    (isn't the "corporate media" part of the Democrats propaganda team? ;))

    Nailed it! Gotta love the equal opportunity political haters!

    Both Re-Pukes & Dem-Dummies holding office have one single keep their job.

  10. Goodness, haven't thought about this car in decades, thank's for bringing back a bunch of good memories!

    In 1969 I bought a 1953 Chevy Bel Air 4 door 6 cyl. 3 speed on the tree for a whopping $50. Drove it for three years before the tranny went out.