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Gear Reviews posted by Zoter

  1. Nice canopy...lovely fast, on heading openings (without being aggresive ) and flies very nicely. Perfect for me as a'first' canopy offering the balance of reasonable performance with reliability. A known issue with this canopy is a fast descent rate , which is noticable but does not affect performance too badly.....even on a couple of deep spots it can still 'float' quite well if you know how .
    Lovely landings, very stable.
    And the coating on top of the ZP also saves you alot of grief when packing.
    Dunno about the smaller canopies ort higher wingloadings...but for a 'first' canopy off student gear this 215 is a whole heap of 'safe' fun . And as for the customer service issues...I had two queries answered perefectly within 12 hours.....so farI have no cause to di the canopy or the company...
    Edited 10/04 to add...I recently had a premature deployment in a stand ......this canopy opened fine and after ground inspection there was not a thing wrong with it at all.....I weigh 215lbs and the deployment was at a speed in excess of 180mph....no canopy damage at all= one really really tough parachute !!!