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Posts posted by BethUK

  1. The ball off the top of my tongue bar!!!! Dammit!!! Anyone else suffered with this?! [:/]:S:D:o


    "This isn't's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

  2. You can still see if somebody is a newbie, as their post number still show in their profile, it just doesnt constitute any different type of title!:)
    Beth x

    "This isn't's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

  3. Ouch that seems kinda harsh!

    Well thats encouraged me to start learning to freefly over here.....NOT [:/] I do agree that there should be a FF coach rating of some description, but I dont really think your comments about nobody wanting to progress are very fair....:S

    Beth :P

    "This isn't's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

  4. Yeah, had noticed that...would it be possible to modify it to hold an audible more securely?

    Beth :)

    "This isn't's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

  5. Completely agree with you! I only started skydiving 7 months ago and have since been to 6 dzs! My mate stopped jumping shortly after getting cat 8 (long story!) but I had to go by myself, didnt know anyone in the UK who jumped (I had done AFF abroad)....

    The first dz I ever went to over here after I graduated were probably the reason I still jump now, they were so friendly and helpful and put me at ease. Just last week I went to a big DZ for the first time and within 5 minutes of me arriving the DZO had come and said hello, and offered me a slot on the next makes all the different and I am going back 2moro! :)
    I run my uni skydive club and I know nothing is more helpful for students just starting than having a friendly face to chat to, or being approached by others...

    So...I will try even, even harder to make people feel welcome, becuse if people hadn;t done it for me, I would have given up!

    Beth x

    "This isn't's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

  6. As president of a uni club I see alot of students jumping rented gear, they too have the price of a pack included, HOWEVER I still encourage them to learn to pack, as they get £3 back of their student jump ticket price if they do that! Never too soon to learn to pack in my some people take longer than others to learn (moi!) ;)


    "This isn't's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

  7. Hey there,

    Congrats on starting to jump! I learned to pack during my AFF and have been packing my own since (still have some probs sometimes getting it in the bag!), never yet paid for a pack job! Think it's better that way personally, as you feel more confident with your ability and can get on more loads instead of having to wait around to have your rig packed. :)
    Best of luck!

    Beth x

    "This isn't's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

  8. Best plane ive jumped in the UK! Brillient! Quick to climb to altitude, great big door!


    "This isn't's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

  9. Yes, seems kinda typical of a "talkback" kinda thread that gets out of hand and becomes personal...hmm we gonna be losing General Skydiving Discussions next? :|

    This thread is ridiculous! Did anyone really learn much?! [:/]


    "This isn't's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

  10. Finally managed it! So...they didnt have a curly hair option, so I went for my second favourite style!

    "This isn't's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

  11. Talking of vast amounts of tax, apparently now the higher earning limit is something like £31,000 and after that everything you earn is taxed at 40% Crazy huh!!! Grrrrr!

    Bx :P

    "This isn't's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

  12. Aww thanks! However still be a bit of a long trip for an over-priced pint ay?! ;) Am soooo bored at home tho, nothing but the 'olds' to keep me company! [:/]:S

    Neeeed beeeeeer! :D

    "This isn't's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

  13. Hmm, still wont let me save it, I dont have a "print screen" option, just a print and if I hit that it actually prints it! Any more tips?! Hate adobe acrobat!!!! [:/]


    "This isn't's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

  14. Ohhh damn me being in the North!!!!! [:/][:/][:/][:/]:(

    "This isn't's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

  15. Sweeeet pics! Aww, I didnt get to jump at the weekend [:/]:(


    "This isn't's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

  16. I went dentists today and he told me, one of mine is peeping through, no pain at all though, which is always good! Maybe when it gets bigger [:/]

    Ibuprofen is good for tooth ache, oh and whisky dabbed straight on where it hurts....(or just a big glass of it, why not!!) :)

    "This isn't's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

  17. Well, what can i say?!?! Probably has the best "male intuition" going...still hasn't jumped with me!

    Actually turned down jumping with me 2moro in favour of doing nothing!! [:/];)

    Well! :P


    "This isn't's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1