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Posts posted by spud

  1. Does anyone know if the PDF Techno 128 has a maximum weight of 220lbs/100kgs? I see the owners manual has a limit of 65kg-143lbs.

    Most manufactures have a total all up weight of 220lbs/100kgs.


  2. Great canopies, I've done about 6000 + jumps on them. They do have a tendency to collapse in turbulence particularly when the TM does a big toggle turn.

    Diablopilot has said it already:

    Key tips:

    1) NEVER look up at the parachute on final if you experience a collapse. You won't change anything, and you're taking your eyes off the sight picture of your landing. Reacquiring the picture takes too much time on short final and your reactions will suffer.

    2) Don't stop flying at the turbulence, fly THROUGH it. Your job is to land the parachute, not worry about where it is now, but rather where it is going to be.

    3) Don't over react. Keep the parachute over your head using the minimum amount of control needed to do so.

    They open great and are really easy to fly once you get used to the over steer when turning. Great Canopy!!! I jump the Jojo wings XF-15 and wont get anything else! ;)

  3. Just wondering what editing software people are using to edit tandem HD dvds with? We are looking at going HD in the next few months so I`m trying to get an idea what works best, any preferences between PC or Mac? Looking at quick edit times as we have a busy tandem operation. Any advice would be appreciated!

  4. Hi Guys,

    I`ve just come across the post "I guess you didn't get the DHT union member memo about the rating card & gear burning party over at Skydive Abel Tasman. It's clear that due to the unsafe history of that product and company everyone has decided to use the other guys stuff because it never fails and has never killed anyone!

    I can assure you that this is not the case at Skydive Abel Tasman. I`ve done over 5000 tandems on SE rigs and have no problem with the gear, the opinion above is purely that of a rigger in the company. Myself and all the other Tandem JMs are quite happy jumping the dual hawk system.


  5. Help the passenger with legs on exit (climbout) Explain and describe as much as you can before hand and during the jump. Its always a challenge taking a blind or deaf person for a skydive, but very rewarding.

  6. I left Zimbabwe in May 2001 and have been working in NZ since. Its a great place to jump, awesome scenery!!

    Some dropzones will organize work permits but there is lots of paperwork involved. It took me 2 years + to get residency and I have now applied for citizenship. PM me for more info.

    (Rhys- Hope you left my tree as it was!!)

  7. Feet up in front, safest option is to slide, will tell them to run or stand if safe to do so!! With clients that are physically challenged (i.e no stomach muscles/ fat ) I get them to hold onto the harness and use their arms to assist getting their feet up ( Pull up style) Worked so far.

  8. I always make the passenger comfortable in the harness after opening, and then before I do any spirals I ask if they get motion sickness......if they say affirmative then they are in for a nice easy canopy ride.