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Posts posted by yourmomma

  1. Your absoultly right. Once we started letting our white women fuck the niggers we knew the donkey fuckers and faggots were right behind. That being said, it really started to go south when we let the bitches start voting. Some people will never learn.

  2. So the only way to understand crack addiction is thru your eyes? And since you have never hung with a heroin junkie you can never understand it? When I hear skydivers talk at me about B.A.S.E, should I not listen to what they say unless they have been to bridgeday? Or even better, should I listen because they have. MY BEST FRIEND WAS KILLED BY A GUN on 2/9/87. And you have the fucking audacity to just be more of a troll than me when it comes this issue. Like another poster expressed, good luck with your addictions.

  3. So you need to go to a gun violence support group before you can understand the consequences of gun ownership? I know you keep on with the N.A thing because you cant address the fact that the gun ownership legality/drug usage and legality arguments are interchangeable. Finally, my personal experience with addiction is all I need to understand the issue.

  4. I don't look down at people who are addicted. I also don't believe they deserve to go jail. What is your insistence that one goes to a N.A meeting in order to understand addiction.Would your stance on guns change if you went to a support group of gun violence. Again, is the only reason you have not become and or are not a crack addict is because it is illegal.

  5. My cousin died because of a heroin addiction. I sat and watched him shoot up once. Funny thing is it being illegal had nothing to do with me not giving it a go. I also know that keeping drugs illegal did not prevent his addiction or death. Now is the only reason you have not become and or are not a crack addict is because it is illegal.

  6. So you believe the reason there are not more drug addicts is, the government saying it is illegal. Is that why you are not an addict? If gay marriage is legalized are you afraid you are going to start sucking dicks. Or will you remain heterosexual. And since guns are legal I'm sure you have no problem stepping over those 9,000 bodies.

  7. Not only is it tasteless it just fucking stupid. Growth slowing to a reasonable pace does not mean the tech sector popped. Just because the jobs are not in the bay area does not mean the jobs do not exist ,or the money has disappeared. On top of that the markets were roaring because the dollar was overvalued. It is not coincidental that the dollar lost value when the incoming president who proudly proclaimed he was going to run the country at a deficit in order to make things fair, followed thru with his plan which slowed the growth which let people blame it on a non existing bubble.

  8. Man that's a lie that just won't die. There was no tech bubble and it didnt pop. Tech companies are still alive and kicking. Companies come on line and continue to grow. Tech is the number one driver in our economy. The economy tanked because we fought two wars and defunded the government. Even now we have an income problem as much as a spending problem. Like the out of context "you didnt build it "line. The taxing job creators lie has got a firm footing in the delighting in ignorance crew of the republican party. There is no question the democrats are just as broken. That doesnt absolve the republicans of their idiocy.

  9. I'm sorry Billvon. I ment they will have to pay for Chips using TTL because the science of which way the holes flow is not settled. As a result they must submit the fact that i am right, and it sucks to die full of diffusion.