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Everything posted by skyfreke

  1. I'm surprised you didn't know about the food Scott, you're cooking it!! Smoked Chicken from what I hear. If it's anything like the last batch you made, it'll be GREAT!!
  2. Hello Mark, It has indeed been a long time. I'm still living and jumping in Tallahassee, Forida and am an AFF and Tandem Instructor at The School of Human Flight. Max Khonkie is a pilot and member of the Airport Authority in Quincy, Florida. He's flying some type of Jet nowadays. I went out to Perris and jumped with Russ last July. I too am quite involved in the CReW community. As a matter of fact, I'm in that cover shot on this month's Parachutist. Solid black canopy with the red center cell. That's actually Paul Bliss's canopy. He was hurt really bad and is confined to a wheel chair. He crushed several vertebrae but is making a remarkable recovery. He has regained movement in his legs albiet he has a long way to go. I have spoken with Ed Lally a few times but have lost contact. He was having to have a hip replacement the last time we spoke. I don't know how he made out from that. I don't know of anyone else from our days at Campbell that are still actively jumping. I new you were through Don Yarling. We've been friends since I got out in 1979. It is very sad to learn that the club has met such a fate. We had it so good "back in the day." I hope you are well Mark. Best of luck to you. Tom Balboni