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Posts posted by Adrock

  1. Quote


    If we were so good at being able to tell (or if women were any good at indicating) that they liked us, we would not have 90% of the difficulty we have!

    The dating is USED to determine if she likes us and wants to be with us. We can't possibly really know that BEFORE we select this woman to date! [:/]


    You can't tell if a woman is really interested or not when you talk to her for a bit? I know that I feel like I give out a rather obvious "interested" vibe when I'm talking to guys that I'm interested in. Similarly, I feel that they're interested as well from their vibe. Of course, I can't tell at that moment for sure if the vibe is "want to take you home with me for crazy monkey sex" vibe or "want to marry you" vibe or somewhere in between.:P

  2. Quote

    just made it home! had a blast, even though the weather sucked. didn't meet too many people, actually, the only dz.commers i met (that i actually knew were dz.commers) were amanduh and guido. jumped with guido a couple of times. we're considering making him an honerary canuck. the meeting is next week. due to several counts of stupidity on my part, my new rig didn't get put together, but it did finally all show up and it rocks!.

    stops by the cops:1 (let me go)
    searches by customs:1 (didn't find anything 'cuz there was nothing to find.
    beers drunk: several.... and then a few.
    jumps made: 3. damn weather.
    dz.commers met:2

    Well then you should have been more social!!:P As you can see, the dz.commers were there in excuse to not have met all of us!;)

  3. Quote

    Now I'm really mad that I didn't make the trip out on Saturday. I figured with the weather and all that people weren't going to show up- so I told my wife to work later on Saturday. She got home abour 2 in the afternoon and I just figured nothing would be going on- so I decided to stay home- bad decision on my part.
    Well, I'm glad to see you all had a good time- and upset that I didn't get to meet any of you- but maybe I'll get to meet some of you this summer. See ya all later.

    Too bad! You should have come out! There were a bunch of people there for the party on both Friday night and Saturday, and Saturday's party was rockin'!:D

    I'm sure you'll meet all of us sometime soon, though, that's the beautiful thing about skydiving!:)

  4. Geez....sometimes I'm kinda slow....when we were talking about this, I thought, "Hmmm, where are we gonna find a bunch of guys to ask this question of....?"

    Nice, Liz. I'm interested in the results....I don't think Liz or I knew that there were so many ass men out there!

  5. Quote

    Actually, those ARE the incriminating pics. That is the best I could do. Liz was so much fun to hang with, and she certainly had a good time, but she didn't do anything very "incriminating." We practically had to pin her down for that T-shirt shot!:D

    You mean I had to pin her down!!:P

    And I expect thanks from all the guys on here for making that shot possible!;)

    *Clay, don't kill me for this.....:D

  6. No, you don't even understand how entertaining last night, Weege, OrangeJumper, and Wildcard sitting on my couch, watching Top Gun after dinner.
    Wildcard, OrangeJumper and myself were reciting the dialogue all the way through (and I have to tip my hat to Jason at this point for the best quoting skillz) but Liz was sitting in the middle looking at us like we were totally crazy!:)
    What an entertaining evening.:P

  • Quote


    Yeah............We talked about this today. I couldn't believe it. Still in shock! :D


    Spank her

    Oh I'm gonna..............oh wait that has nothing to do with this...........But I WILL spank her! :D

    Niiiiiiiiiiice! B|:D

    I *may* have some photographic evidence that this happened.....:P;):)

  • Like another poster said, do not feel any guilt over this situation, and if you do, please go and talk to someone about it.

    This was your son's choice, and nothing you did, said, didn't do or didn't say caused him to do it.

    I had an ex-boyfriend commit suicide two days after I broke up with him, and I know that these feelings of guilt are common for those left behind. He was also 26, and I felt so horrible looking at his parents.

    What a terrible loss for a parent to have to experience. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  • My Popple was the coolest ever!:)
    Has anyone noticed the recent marketing of 80's era toys? I think all the toy companies are banking on the idea that people who grew up in the 80s will buy them for their kids. I've seen Care Bears, Pound Puppies, Popples, and others for sale....

  • Quote


    Fuck you...fuck're cool....I'm out.:P

    You know what, I was trying to give you a compliment.>:( Liz, aka jealous boyfriend, you need to do something about your girl. I see your not keeping the pimp hand strong:D:D

    Well, the "all four people at the bar" sounded like a dig!:P

    I don't respond well to the pimp hand.:D