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Posts posted by christelsabine

  1. 21 minutes ago, RonD1120 said:

    As someone who committed the same offense and was forgiven, I forgive him. Every Christian has a past. Jesus Christ provides redemption through his death on the cross. All we have to do is surrender and accept.

    Now you call it an "offense" ??

    And YOU forgive him?? Who are you ? Did I miss something?

    Wow, your forgiving range must be endless ... and how many times would you forgive? And for how many politicians/men would you grant forgiveness at such an "offense"?

    And Jesus Christ provided redemption in advance, right?


  2. jakee

    ***It looks as if Senator Cruz is attempting to give Chuck and Nancy a face-saving out.

    "It’s important to note, Schumer and Pelosi’s objection to the wall is not subsitive,"

    OANN, the Shakespeare of modern journalism.

    By which I mean they're making up words to go with their made up 'news' site.

    What does *subsitive* mean??

    dudeist skydiver # 3105

  3. RonD1120

    You don't welcome anyone different.

    You fail to see the value of diversity.

    And that value would be?

    You really need to ask such a question?

    How on earth can you call yourself a "counselor" if you think so narrow-minded, in single-tracks???? B|

    Your posts more and more become implausible - and same time more and more are showing what they/you really are: against anything that's not like you, doesn't share your beliefs (the beliefs of an old man crouching somewhere in the mountains ....) Go and ask your Jesus (the refugee) if he will be prepared to accept you with that mindset at the pearly gates :S

    dudeist skydiver # 3105

  4. RonD1120


    Next up - "well, other people got indicted, too."

    That is what I am waiting for.

    65K+ sealed indictments waiting to be acted upon.

    What was in those 5 shocking envelopes?
    The Bidens and the Bushes horrified.
    HRC looked very uneasy.
    Mike Pence buddied up HRC.???


    Why do you call them "shocking" and same time asking "what was in it?" :ph34r:

    My first wild guess would be this written information: "Beware people: After funeral service, the trumps will be sitting next to us at lunch table!" B|

    That easily might explain all those derailed, pained expressions after having a look at the *shocking* envelopes. :P

    dudeist skydiver # 3105

  5. RonD1120

    It seems that it started with his grandfather Prescott Bush's alliance with Adolf Hitler. We know that Adolf Hitler was possessed of an evil spirit. Why was Prescott attracted to it?

    The Bible states that the sins of the father can/will be passed down three generations.

    Why is trump attracted to Duterte, Kim Jon-un ...?

    dudeist skydiver # 3105

  6. RonD1120

    ***Reagan and Trump say/said very different things. Maybe in the intervening 36 years between their elections, your heart has changed.

    And consider, in all the double meanings -- if 10,000 people have to keep a secret, it's out. Especially these days, with so many willing buyers of information.

    Wendy P.

    I do not understand what you mean in paragraph two. In reference to the first, yes my heart has changed. The world has changed, my country has changed so naturally, my heart has changed. I was optimistic about a different set of values in the '80s. I was much more trusting then.

    Sure. You were about 40 yrs younger, more powerful, with more energy .... compared to your age now, that makes the difference. Seems, adjusting to changing times and circumstances were too hard for you? In which fields did you counsel again? :S

    dudeist skydiver # 3105

  7. RonD1120

    This will occupy you for a while.

    And now you serve yourself with age old links from the Netherlands? :D:D:D:D Did you already order the DVD collection at special price? Oh wait, this might be your secret source! :o

    Seems, you're really falling for every conspiracy theorist worldwide :ph34r: What do you call yourself, again? Counselor?


    dudeist skydiver # 3105

  8. rushmc



    From age 18 on I swore to protect the U.S. Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. From 18-22 I was granted permission to kill communists.

    If someone from the future had come back to your 22 year old self and told you that someday you'd support a US president who was a puppet of the Kremlin - would you have believed them?

    This post clearly shows why I have come to be so totally disappointed in what you have become Bill.

    the fact that you even would post this, let alone believe this, makes me so disappointed I can't even explain it.

    Wow. I can't even think of the words to go past this point.

    Awww, why that woebegon? [:/]

    Just inform yourself by reading a bit more about how the rest of the world is seeing trump and his dubious actions with Russia, Putin, his permanent lies ..... by looking into international news (of course, w/o Russian news): He's Kremlin's puppet. Short and simple. No need to burst into tears about this. :)

    dudeist skydiver # 3105


    *The Incorruptables* are busy here, too :S As per this update, Kennedy jr. is still alive, gravesites of John F. and Robert Kennedy are showing "Q" - and the video in this "artwork" is worth seeing.

    What I enjoyed the most is the special way, these Untouchables are writing their mysteriously news (soon to be released!) So many sentences in [square brackets] .... :ph34r::ph34r: (Ron?)

    Here is a small excerpt from the pamphlet in German:

    "Trump und JFK Jr. sind/waren miteinander befreundet und haben dieselben politischen Ziele. Der Absturz des Flugzeugs, das JFK Jr. selbst geflogen haben will, ermöglicht zwei weitere Varianten: Der Absturz fand zwar statt, weil man ihn ermorden wollte, er überlebte aber und sein Tod wurde vorgetäuscht (Hillary Clinton kam somit zum Zuge als Senatorin). Oder aber der ganze Absturz war von vornherein inszeniert, um seinen Tod vorzutäuschen, da er nur so im Hintergrund ungestört an einem wichtigen Plan arbeiten konnte, den sein Vater einst nicht mehr im Stande war umzusetzen, nämlich die Entmachtung der dunklen Herrscherkaste hier auf unserem Planet
    en! Sein Vater JFK hatte ja seinerzeit tatsächlich vorgehabt, u.a. die US-amerikanische Zentralbank und die CIA zu zerschlagen. Letztere ist ein Produkt des Vatikans und des Jesuitenordens.d"

    ... and this is a quick translation, just to entertain you guys:

    "Trump and JFK Jr. are / were friends and have the same political goals. The crash of the plane, which JFK Jr. wants to have flown, allows two other variants: The crash took place because he wanted to murder him, but he survived and his death was faked (Hillary Clinton thus came to the show as a senator). Or the whole crash was staged from the outset to simulate his death, as he could work in the background undisturbed on an important plan that his father was once no longer able to implement, namely the disempowerment of the dark ruling caste here on our planet ! His father, JFK, had actually planned at the time, among other things. to smash the US Federal Reserve and the CIA. The latter is a product of the Vatican and the Jesuit Order. "

    Couldn't help myself but had to post the above - as the entire world seems to be in real danger and it needs brave watchers on the wall to save all of us - or at least them brave hilltribes :D:D

    dudeist skydiver # 3105

  10. RonD1120

    The Holy Spirit spoke to me and advised that you are a thoughtful and intelligent man. He said read 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians and, Revelation.

    Listen for His voice to guide you. His voice is distinct from the other voice.

    Who should read this? You or JoeWeber? If the latter should do, why didn't the holy spirit tell this directly to him?

    How is this holy spirit/god communication working? In different languages, so I might be blessed to receive suggestions in my mother tongue??

    Ya know, in my daily work in our law firm there are so so many voices around me, in different languages, some loud, some not that loud, some just whisper .... how to find out the *distinct* one ....? What's *the other one*??

    Your advice to the above poster does not seem to be very clear, I have my doubts about your consultancy work .... :|

    dudeist skydiver # 3105

  11. lippy

    ***Wow, the irrational asking someone else to be rational. The irony scale can't be measured.

    There's something familiar about your posts Marc...Short bursts of angry, quasi-coherent ramblings, often in all caps. It reminds me of something but I can't quite put my finger on it.

    His ghost writer, perhaps? It's quite obvious - writing style, wording - sometimes do remind me on someone else who's banned since a while. Some posts sound just too different to rushmc's usual (more or less simple) ahem, yeah, style .... :ph34r:

    dudeist skydiver # 3105

  12. RonD1120

    ***Ron, while I too think Facebook is a "shit pit". Your post of the stock price is conflating two unrelated issues and events.

    I'd advise you to give economics and finance a miss and stick to Jesus-related topics.

    Check the definition of the zeitgeist.

    Zeitgeist is German, I know its meaning. So, what does your current zeitgeist mean?

    dudeist skydiver # 3105

  13. rushmc

    ***I know we are not “allowed” to debate in this thread, but I see Trump’s attacks on the media as extremely dangerous. He attacks respected outlets for reporting negative facts. That’s some tin hat dictator shit.

    What I see as dangerous is a media who constantly lies and slants it's "news" to push an agenda!!
    It ( the main stream media) has been going on for decades.

    The only way to counter that shit is call them out on it.
    This is one of the main reasons I like Trump!

    I do NOT see that as dangerous but I see it as NESSESARY!

    The constant lies of your president have been proven - our media is reporting the same. Since day one: Crowd at inauguration. Did you ever have a look at foreign media? Oh wait, that might require some alien language skills [:/]

    After having a look at your above post I really have my doubts about your skills of your own language.

    Just out of sheer curiosity:
    Do you have a stock of exclamation points somewhere?

    JFI: NESSIE still hasn't been found!!!

    dudeist skydiver # 3105

  14. kallend

    Last time I was in Europe there were video games, many doors, abortion, not enough Jesus, and plenty of porn available. I believe they are all available in Australia too.

    So why aren't European and Australian kids shooting up their schools?

    Just a wild guess: Perhaps, as our kids rarely have a chance to put their dirty little fingers on dad's weapon? As dad locked it up in a lockable safe? Which is controlled by the police, btw.

    Or: As it really takes kind of endeavor to buy a gun on the black market??

    Really, our poor kids have to be quite innovative to find a gun ...

    Oh wait: Perhaps it's because of our very very strict gun laws?? Damn ...:ph34r:

    dudeist skydiver # 3105

  15. AlanS

    I honestly believe that China is the true player in this. We need to enact the tariffs against China, and state simply we will not trade with China as long as they support North Korea having nuclear weapons.

    China was starting to impose more sanctions in N. Korea which force them to the table, but after the 2nd meeting between Xi and Kim it seems those sanctions started to crumble.

    No trade with China??? What do you think will Ivanka Trump have to say on that? She will be forced to look for other *cheap countries* to produce her high class articles. And she's not the only one ... :P:P

    dudeist skydiver # 3105

  16. Bob_Church

    ***Yes, I noted the same when I Googled.

    I see CNN briefly interrupted their royal wedding coverage to note the shooting, but were back to royal wedding coverage quite quickly.

    I have a friend in, I think Sheffield, if it's outside of London I have trouble remembering) and he posted in disgust the way the wedding trumps everything. No ill will towards the Royal Couple, just the way the news is being prioritized. I don't share his surprise.

    The forthcoming wedding has what to do with the 22nd mass shooting 2018 in the US? Perhaps as the *....way the wedding trumps everything.*??? :ph34r:

    dudeist skydiver # 3105

  17. kallend

    ***The opinion of the justice department and the Supreme Court have been given into rulings over the years. A sitting president cannot be indicted on a criminal charge. The only way he can be removed from office is through impeachment! This was done purposely by the founders to ensure that what we're seeing today wouldn't happen. We have people within the government who have weaponized their departments against political differences. Nothing criminal has happened here! The left and you just can't stand to lose. And that's as sad as it gets!

    The spelling and grammar clearly indicate that this was not written by rushmc, nor was it in quotes or stated to be a quote.

    Who are you? And what have you done with Marc?

    It's not first time I noticed serious distinctions in Rushmc's posts - it simply is too obvious. My wild guess is/was, JohnRich is his ghost writer. ;)

    dudeist skydiver # 3105

  18. Quote

    There's no grand, stomach churning sensation when you leave the plane, it's just very windy. My first thought was "No god damn way! I'M SKYDIVING!!!" All my training stayed with me, I remembered everything I was taught in class that morning.

    Wow! That's rare ...

    And how did that go on, wunderkind ... how many windy jumps w/o stomachache until today? :o

    dudeist skydiver # 3105