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  1. Hi, Im looking at purchasing a new V310, with the idea of putting a LPV 150 main in it along side a OP 160 or a 143. So the LPV main would go in as a main standard fit where a 135 should be. Does this sound ok has anyone done a similar thing to this. Any advice is appreciated really because when you search different canopy sizes to fit in vector containers on the UPT website it brings up atleast 3-4 different containers. Ideally im after a container that i can downsize 2-3 times in before having to buy something new. I've also been looking at the V308 and 309 as the main fits are similar (120 standard, 135 full fit) apart from the reserves are smaller, OP 143s. So if fititng a LPV 150 pilot where a 135 would normally go works ok these two container sizes are also an option? I have been also been told running a full fit main and full fit reserve together can make the container very tight and hard to pack so I want to avoid this. Container Size Main Standard Fit Main Full Fit Reserve Standard Fit Reserve Full Fit V310 Micron Crossfire3 139 Epicene 170 Extreme-FX 119 Extreme-VX 94 Fusion 135 Horizon 170 Katana 135 Mamba 124 Mamba 132 Neos 119 Nitron 135 Omega 139 Omni 139 Pilot 132 Pulse 150 Sabre2 135 Safire3 139 Silhouette 135 Spectre 135 Stiletto 135 Storm 135 Synergy 135 Triathlon 135 Valkyrie 103 Velocity 103 Xaos-21 120 Xaos-27 118 Crossfire3 149 Epicene 190 Fusion 150 Katana 150 Mamba 140 Nitron 150 Omega 149 Omni 149 Pilot 140 Pulse 170 Sabre2 150 Safire3 149 Silhouette 150 Spectre 150 Storm 150 Synergy 150 Velocity 111 Xaos-21 135 Icarus Reserve 139 Micro Raven 135 Micro Raven Dacron 120 Nano 143 Optimum 143 PD 126 R-Max 138 LPV Smart 135 Icarus Reserve 149 Micron Raven 150 Nano 160 Optimum 160 PD 143 R-Max 148 Speed 150