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Posts posted by Malfunction

  1. Sad day for all air medics and life-flight technicians.
    News from MSN. A medical helicopter crashed in South Carolina, all 4 on board including pilot, flight nurse, paramedic and patient were killed. My boss has a sister that works on this service, but was not involved in the crash, so it is hitting home for her. This is also what I want to do with my paramedic rating, so it hits home to me too. My thoughts are with the flight service, family and friends of all that were involved.

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  2. Anyone know anything about the date stamp on email? I received an email today at 4:47 PM CST, but it showed as 21:47... and it is hardly that late...

    Clues, hints?

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  3. Good for you for quitting. I quit cold turkey 2 years, 12 days ago (the day my son was born). It is one of the best feelings to know that you were able to stop something that at one time had a hold on you. Congrats and keep it up!

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  4. Just an aside statement, further proving that we are trained as EMT-Basics, yet get all the toys of a Home Medicine Kit, without the Aspirin. My jump kit has bandaids (only like 12 of them), gloves (restocked by me), a cold pack, SAM splint, Flashlight, ointment packs, alcohol wipes, a pocket mask and a trash bag for vomit. And I get to be proud to be an EMT at my office...

    Not even enough to treat basic hypoperfusion.

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  5. A week ago, myself and two other EMTs in our office building had to respond to an unresponsive patient with uncontrollable bleeding. We arrived on scene (last stall, women's bathroom) to find the patient slipping further and further on the Glascow scale. The three of us, with no budget, limited jump packs, first aid equipment that would make any First Responder laugh, were able to secure the patient, stabalize her and prepare her for transport when the rig showed up. The three of us are not employed as EMTs, and are therefore treated as ignorant employees by our employer, did not have access to an AED (company does not want the liability of one), we ran out of gloves during the stabalization, but managed to save her life. She emailed us today to say thanks to the three EMTs that were first on scene. Today is a good day for all of us, patient included.

    Kudos to all the EMTs out there that do this every day. Many thanks.

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  6. Yeah, I know someone that is just as annoying... if not more. She sends me forwards out of the blue... we could not have talked for 6 months, then there is a forward on my email with a comment; usually from some stupid movie or something. Never anything useful or substantial, just garbage.

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  7. Speaking from a mortgage background, and being in the mortgage industry, if you bought your house less than 12 months ago (or even a calander year ago, ie you purchased in 03 and getting a heloc (home equity line of credit) in 04) and the value has increased substantially (30k is substantial in a 150k market), then the lender has the right to ask why. That is to protect them from appraisers padding appraisals to get a higher value. The reason for this is default. I am not saying you will default, but the possibility of default is there. If your value says 180, but 150 was the most recent sales price and the price less than a year ago, then 150 is the likely amount any investor will get out of the house on a repo, and thus the heloc company will have lost money. You have every right to withdrawal from the current lender for your heloc and go somewhere else, but be prepared for it to happen again. I hope it will not, but worse case scenario you will have to have the appraiser explain the increase in value. That is no problem for an appriaser to do, and most instances, the lender will take the explaination.

    My experience comes from Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, and if you want more in depth explainations or advise, feel free to ask. Good Luck!

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  8. Didn't vote.

    I pack my own rig, but I am also a packer. Firsthand experience says that the majority of packers don't get into it for fun, they are either asked to pack or are driven by money. Me, I don't have the money to jump, so packing was a way for me to stay at the DZ and learn. Plus, the tandem masters love ya for it...

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  9. I went to get my annual TB / Hep-B vaccines done, and the nurse that was giving the tests looked at my arm and asked what kind of masochistic activities I was into. After that, I decided to declaw my cat. She is a little over a year old now, knows that she has no claws, but that doesn't keep her from trying to claw the furniture. She has gotten really good with using her teeth to attack with. She still thinks that anything that I am working on, she is more important and will lay down, swing her tail, and f*ck everything up.

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  10. Quote

    Screw the box. Jars are much better, plus you can see how to do it here.

    Dude, there is something really wrong with you.[:/]

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  11. Gary Sinise as point man for a CSI team. All I can think about is "Leutenant Dan" and then crack up. But he should be good, as long as his supporting cast is decent.

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  12. That is strange. The Blockbuster here in Iowa carries season 1, 2, but not 3. I recorded all of season 3 and 4 this past year, since Spike shows the previous season on Friday nights. Great show... but no advice for you out there in Cali...

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  13. What I find humerous is my Kansas City Royals have to play a 3 game set against Montreal, at home, and are still not favored to sweep the mid-week series. [:/] I got to actually see Beltran play for the Royals last weekend, and by July, he will be playing for one of the two evil empires>:(.

    Yeah. Royals. Go.:|

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  14. Quote

    Mary Poppins, however, is practically perfect in every way

    Except she is a bit old for me...:P

    I liked the changes to the movie with the exceptions of the ones I listed before, and the fact they are in street clothes most of the show. But, it is acceptable since they are 3rd years now, and have more freedoms. It makes sense. You can't change it, so live with it. It happens in movie sequels that are not all shot at the same time (ala Lord of the Rings).

    Still, good movie all around. I was pleased, though not ecstatic, when I walked out.

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  15. Quote

    Its a huge cinimatic no no to screw with stuff that big and noticable in a series of 7 movies

    I didn't have a problem with the physical appearance of Hogwarts changing. My problem was that Hagrid's hut, a place that wasn't / isn't magical, moved and changed, and the Whomping Willow physically changed locations. Hogwart's changing I can live with, and I expect to see it change as the more in depth the books get, different areas of the school need to be emphasized.

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  16. Quote

    Hmm, Bulls and Bears, should be in Chicago

    You are onto something here... maybe there is a contract out on a Cub... I am sure a White Sock isn't too hard to find... but the Blackhawk might be a trick - they like to fight back...

    *** HUMOR, people, HUMOR ***

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  17. Shameless, but useful bump-

    I saw the movie over the weekend. I must say, I was impressed. I wondered how they would get the long book into a movie under 3 hours. You can definately tell that there is a new director, but he did wonderful with the pesonas that were begun in the previous movies (I think the fact that it is a novel-based movie helped.)

    Overall, I give it 4 stars out of 5. There were some good things in the movie, but there were some bad things too. You have to go into the movie knowing that some things will be left out, but with that much information to play with, why would you add anything? Someone told me that you did not get the feeling that evil was overcome in this movie... which is exactly the point. Evil grows in book 3, transforms in book 4, and becomes a main topic in book 5. If it were defeated again, there would be no reason for book 6 or 7 in my opinion.


    Loved: Buckbeak. I think the CGI animal was well done and the scenes flowed with the actual acting of the movie.
    Hated: The fact that Hermoine punches Draco Malfoy. It never happened in the book, and seemed rather out of place for a witch as cunning as herself. Her character (I believe), would not resort to physical violence, instead, the use of magic to show her understanding and grasp of it over purebloods.

    Loved: Dumbledore. He didn't seem as aloof as Richard Harris' portrayal. The change of actors went nicely, and the presence of a taller, larger man was significant to show his authority level.
    Hated: Peter Petigrew. The human form should not have been as rat-like (two big teeth, round face and nose, arms curled at the elbows and wrists). The guy is an animagi, not a rat.

    Loved: Dementors. Not much to say about that, except they were exceptionally well done. The idea that they took the joy out and left one feeling cold was portrayed very well.
    Hated: They did not explain Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs in the end. It is worth knowing who made the map and for what purpose. Also, why there was a buck across the lake in the end when the final spell was cast to get rid of the Dementors. Hated the fact that they used the "Immobulus" incantation on the Whomping Willow instead of the knot that stalls the tree (which is why Petigrew decided to become an illegal animagi...). And the fact that it was moved from the outer wall to 100 yards away on the side of a hill was a little distracting.

    Loved: Shrieking Shack. It seemed alive and didn't distract from the acting. The walls were done very well, and if you listened closely, you could hear minute screams and shrieks from the building itself.
    Hated: Hagrid's new home. The first two movies had Hagrid's hut close to the walls of the castle. The first one was practically a stone throw away from the wall, while the second one was about 100 yards away. The third one, Hagrid's place was about 500 yards away, down a bunch of stairs, and (the most hated part of all), now a 2-room shack! He must have built an addition in the last year and a half, because in the first two movies, Harry and friends were stuck going in and out of one door.

    Loved: Um, well, there isn't much more to say.
    Hated: Storyline errors. The 'friendship' between Lupin and Snape was never addressed. The book talks about a meeting the two had where Lupin actually went to Snape's office to get the potion to keep his changing under control. That will have pretty big reprocussions in the upcoming movies since that is a friendship that gets moved to the forefront in book 5.
    The Firebolt being at the end instead of in the middle of the movie. One point to that was that the teachers thought it was covered in Black Magic from Black, leading to the high suspicion of Sirius. The way the movie has it, everyone knows who it is from and they have no problem with it....
    And the rift between Hermoine and Draco was kind of left out. That is big, considering the events that transpire in books 4 and 5, not to mention that eventually the two will have a standoff sometime in book 6 or 7, leading to the possible demise of one of them.
    Finally, Sirius Black's character and the amount of time he had on screen. All the trailers, posters and advertisements raved about Gary Oldman being Sirius, yet he was only in the move for maybe 15 minutes maximum... at the end. They seemed to give more attention to the Night Bus than they did to probably one of the most important characters Rowling ever created. You didn't have the attachment to him that will be necessary in the upcomming events.

    Ok, movie critique over. Back to work.

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  18. 33. I flat packed drunk at night on grass at a boogie. Bad idea.

    41. I flat packed sober, but somehow had a line over with center cell and both end cells closed... still trying to figure that one out.

    131. Some sort of control problem... I think I was jumping an inverted canopy or something... it was bad news.

    That was how I got my nickname.

    Nothing since. I have packed more than jumped since then, and in 1200+ pack jobs since then, only 1 reserve ride on a tandem when a riser broke (nothing to do with the pack, just got too frayed).

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  19. He deserves a hero's departure. Keep his legacy alive. Peace, brother...

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  20. Aah, blue skies today
    First weekend with no rain storm
    Too bad I am broke.

    Somebody yelled DOOR!
    Bad idea on I-80
    Cops have no humor.

    Dodge Caravan door
    Same size as a 206
    I was gonna jump!:)

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire

  21. Quote

    Do you want the bootleg?

    If you are offering, I would like one... and one for my girlfriend, one for her kids, one for my brother, and one for my dad.... Seriously, he digs the shows...;)

    I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
    - Voltaire