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Posts posted by tandemking

  1. Many of you knew the inimatable R2 from Boise, ID. He tore up the skies, (and everything else) at Eloy and other places throughout his skydiving "career". He was a closet genious, spoke 3 languages, was a world class Welder and Mechanic and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. When his older Brother was dying from cancer in 2003, Square took him in, fed him, bathed him, and monitored his meds for 7 months til he passed. The guy was a Saint. Yeah, he had his demons, and maybe he wasn't meant to live a long life, but I guarantee the amount of living he did in 39 yrs was equal to living 100! Gone but not forgotten my Brother. . . . . [:/]

  2. I see the Nardi's are once again trying to find a pilot for one of their operations. No wonder. They misrepresent the money, flight hours and just about everything else dealing with the "job". Hey potential jump pilots; If you have the hours they are looking for, go get a "real" job with a regional airline.

  3. Fred & Lenny: You guys are the greatest and literally saved me when I was down. My prayers go out to you and the whole LP family. If you need help with tandems during the Boogie I'd come out of "retirement" and give you a weekend's worth of hard work for no charge. My heart is so heavy over your loss. . . .

    Larry Shumard D16806

  4. Unfortunately I drove over 2000 miles with a U-Haul to T-Ville for the job. Since there was no insurance on the plane the amount of hours I had in the King Air was not applicable. Sadly, there will always be pilots out there dumb enough to fall into the "Once in a lifetime" chance and fall for the lines they get from DZO's. I dropped $1500 on that mistake and was told by the DZO when I requested to be reimbursed half of that that he "lost" money on me being in the plane getting checked out due to not being able to haul one extra body. Unscrupulous.

  5. If you are a pilot considering a position in Titusville, FL you would be wise to demand a contract. I went there in Oct to replace their pilot who had given 2 weeks notice approximately Sept 1. He is still there and I was the victim of a classic bait and switch. Not sure why they did that but anyone considering a job with them should beware. They don't fly nearly as much as they say they do either. D16806

  6. USPA was contacted about a Memorial Page for my friend and fellow jumper R Square who passed on
    5-24-05. He had recently sent USPA $900 for a "lifetime" membership which sadly only lasted 2 months. Do you suppose USPA could give us a break on a Memorial Page seeing as they made out pretty good on that lifetime membership? Hell no.
    We were quoted full price ($1280) for a full page send off for our friend. USPA is no better than any governmental agency fraught with beauracracy and drones. Forget about the human aspect USPA, just keep that money rolling.

    We'll pay the full price and pay tribute to a fallen brother. If anyone would like to make a donation please email me. [email protected]

    Thanks to all who sent condolences.

    Larry D16806

  7. Some of you might know Robert Roberts, aka, "R Squared", from Boise. He left us last Tuesday morning. He suffered an unknown medical situation that caused his death overnight. He was a staple at the Christmas Boogies in Eloy for several years and could always be found at whatever fire pit there was telling outrageous stories in a such a manner as to cause gut splitting laughter among the listeners. He was a close personal friend of mine and learned to jump at the DZ I own. He would walk 100 miles to help a friend in need and he will be sorely missed by those who knew and loved him. This guy ROCKED!
    I have put together a memorial video for his family and friends. If anyone wants one just email me and I'll send you a copy. Blue skies brother. . .

    Larry Shumard
    Star, ID

  8. Twin Otters have 2 belly tanks and a small engine supply tank in the nacelle. I flew TO's at Eloy for 2 winters and I can tell you they do not have wing tanks. If the engine continued to run after the incident it wouldn't have run for long as I believe the nacelle tank holds less than 10 gallons. However, if the engine was at idle it could have run for more than 10 minutes. I'm fairly certain there's nothing in the POH about how to shut off an engine after the wing has been separated from the airplane. D'OH!

  9. We fought that shit here in Idaho and lost, for two years, then the state figured out that they were taxing the rides to altitude illegaly! USPA did NOTHING to help when the situation was instituted in 2003. If there are no National or Regional Directors or multi turbine DZ's in Missouri consider yourselves screwed as USPA will not step in and help. Keep paying those dues though. Gotta build a bitchin museum!!!! D-16806

  10. Snake River Skydiving will be hosting a Cessna Caravan from Kapowsin Airsports on October 9/10/11. This will be our 4th and last event of the season. $20 registration and $20 dives from 13,000'. Campers are welcome and we do have indoor camping in the packing area for those who don't want to get frost on their noses. Hot showers, a great grassy landing area and a bar on the patio make this a coooool DZ to come and visit. FFI call 208-377-8111. www.tandem-skydive.com

  11. Although I have 2750+ tandems, I MIGHT have missed something. I have researched the SIM and part 105 and can only find reference to a tandem Demo in the SIM. According to the SIM under "Extraordinary Skydives" it says, "Tandem jumps into stadiums are prohibited". I have read and re-read Part 105 and cannot find any reference to tandem demos. The Relative Workshop User Agreement says that the buyer/user shall not violate any FAR's or BSR's. Seems to me tha tandem demos are NOT allowed unless the BSR is waived. Any thoughts?

  12. I have seen a door latch that the pilot can release from inside the aircraft by pulling a cable that goes throught the wing leaeding edge to the latch. Does anyone know anything about this mod? I might ask USPA but since I am not a "Group Member" DZO I don't think they'll help me. Any info would be appreciated.

    Larry D-16806
    Snake River Skydiving

  13. Quote

    Is it true that there were some locals (idahoeans)that were, shall we say....pissed at not being selected for the dive?

    I chose the core of divers based on who was current, and/or who showed and interest amongst the local skydivers. Since the Caldwell jumpers avoid my place like the plague, they didn't get any consideration. Its a shame too, since we don't really do the "DZ Politics" thing at Snake River Skydiving.
    Those who chose not to attend for whatever reason missed a great Boogie, huge GRASS landing area, swimming pool, a dinner and beer that came WITH the registration and a hell of a lot of fun. Maybe I'll see them next Boogie on October 9/10/11 when we jump a CARAVAN????

    Larry D-16806

  14. Snake River Skydiving is ready to rock n roll this Friday morning the 25th with Kapowsin's Twin Otter and temps for the weekend in the upper 80's. Saturday morning at 09:00 am we'll take off with the Twin Otter, "Gonzo", the Turbine 207 from West Plains Skydiving in Washington, and a Turbocharged 206 from SP Aircraft here in Boise. We'll be attempting to break the current record of 30 with a beautiful 34 way. The landing area has been expanded with more grass, no cow pies, and wind socks everywhere. The pool is filled up and ready to go, we have an awesome new fire pit, AND, we'll be enjoying the new "Gravity Cantina" on the patio. This is going to be an awesome Boogie! Oh, did I forget to mention the smoked pig and the 4 kegs Saturday night along with live music from Marcus Eaton and the Lobby? There are only a few Boogies in our region so don't miss out! BRING A NEWBIE! $20 tickets to 13K and your $20 registration gets you dinner and brew Saturday night. FFI call me @ 208-377-8111

    SEE YA IN STAR!!!!!

    ~L~ D16806 B|