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Posts posted by poppenhager

  1. I have jumped 5,936 round canopies from 22' to 35' diameter with no broken bones........lots of reserve rides!!! 1,034 Ramair (square) of various sizes with no reserve rides.......I believe that I made the 1st live jump on a Ramair from Dominic Jalberts Beechcraft Bonanza in 1962.

  2. Hi Dick,My log says 1600'.Wasn't there some one else on that jump ? Seems to me there was cause I don't think I was the only one standing in front of the grand stand! Didn't you land in the trees on the day jump ? Been a long time ago and at 78 my brain is getting a little slow !!!

  3. Quote

    My first main was given to me and was a 28'flat all white 1949 B12 swiped from the Air force.I acquired a T7 24'twill reserve from the army,put D rings on the B12 and was in business.Made my first 14 FF on them (sleeves or bags were unknown then)OOuch!!!


  4. Hi Pat,I made my 1st baton pass from 7000' in Ft.lauderdale,Fl.with Dick Shuford D-100 on my 62nd jump 8/16/1959.On 8/23/1959 I made a double baton pass from 7000' with Dick Shuford and Bill Elfers D-28.After that baton passes were routine ! 3,4,and 5 way stars were common in So.Florida from 1966 and the california guys made their 8 way which forced me to buy a bigger airplane !!! POP D-47

  5. 1968 John coppe was the pilot and jumped on his day off.Roger Wolford,Robby Jenks,Wimpy (cant remember his real name) were the jumpers.I made 2 jumps there when visiting.Bill Ottly was there when I was but did'nt jump.It was a tight area but had the water for a way out if needed.


  6. Yes,they were T-7 28' trill canopys.the T-10 came into service in 1/54 with a few jumps on them in late 1953.The T-7 was the hardest opening shocks I ever had in my 50 years of jumping out of airplanes.And the aircraft are C-82's which were replaced by the C119 in 1950 at start of the Korean War.The C-82 was named the flying coffin because of all the crashes they had . The 82 only had 2000 hp and the 119 had 3000hp with G model having 3600hp (per engine)


  7. I'll 2nd.that one!!! We were using T-7's during the Korean war which were the same as T-5's but had the single point release harness.The first T-10's came out near the end of 1953 and that is when I started to enjoy jumping out of airplanes........POP

  8. I went back thruogh my logs of 3000+PC jumps and it seems about 20% were in 20 or more mph winds.Most meets at the time did'nt stop the comp until 18 mph or more and the only reason for that was to keep from giving rejumps! I have been beat up a few times from high wind landings in over 6000 round jumps and have never had a broken bone.(hey grew up on raw milk).......POP

  9. Harold Wright D-112 started jumping in Florida 1959 or 60.He trained and put out students from his luscomb (while flying) at the same time.He was the first jumper at Deland,Fl.He was stone deaf since childhood.He was also a private pilot and parachute rigger.I signed him off for his rigger ticket in 1962.A great person who accomplished alot with his handycap...............POP