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Posts posted by Beverly

  1. Hey Mark,

    You need to be at the DZ to learn to pack.
    There is no real course as such so no fee.
    You need to practice under supervision and then be awarded your packing licence.

    You can also get regular clients on the DZ who you can pack for.

    R30 per pack.

    Buzz me if you need more info and I can put you in touch with some people there to help you set up.


    I think true friendship is under-rated

    Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

  2. I am just glad FIFA are leaving the country. They took over the government, police force, roads and every highway!

    They have disrupted my life enough.
    go go far far away!!

    I think true friendship is under-rated

    Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

  3. My AFF student dislocated his shoulder on exit doing L1.
    The wind was quite strong and it came out on exit.

    He has a history of a weak shoulder and had a operation on it.

    I need to know if anyone has experienced this on exit or while skydiving and what the ramifications were?

    Did you/they stop skydiving, have an operation, strap it?
    Has anyone carried on skydiving after an injury like this?

    I think true friendship is under-rated

    Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

  4. I have advised people to stop.
    It is never a nice thing to do if they have been trying for a while, but if they have done a few jumps, it is quite easy to let them know that Skydiving is not for everyone.

    I think true friendship is under-rated

    Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

  5. HI,

    There are weight restrictions put in place due to the break point that the reserve canopies are tested at.
    Globally, 100kg is the maximum a student / tandem passenger may be to not breach the regulations.

    If you can find a person that has a larger harness, reserve and main canopy that you can use / jump, or if you are prepared to buy equipment that will withstand your weight according to the regulations, you may be able to find someone that will assist to get you to start skydiving.

    Hope that helps.

    I think true friendship is under-rated

    Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

  6. A thin thermal top
    A thick thermal top
    A thermal jacket - Wind breaker
    A travel bag / rucksack
    A voucher to a sports store
    A voucher for a massage
    A multi tool
    A thermos flask
    A cooler bag
    A scuba dive course
    An Aff first jump
    An introductory flight lesson
    A cook book
    Hiking shoes (All terrain)

    I think true friendship is under-rated

    Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa