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Everything posted by Simba

  1. Simba

    AFF - handycam

    hiya guys, Here's what I did; turned out real easy: 1. Bought a Gopro wrist mount at Paragear. 2. Pulled out my old foam triangle alti mount from about 1988 (hardly used so still in great shape) 3. Inside about 4 min wrapped the wrist mount around the old alti mount 4. Onto chest strap and good to go Results are superb on my first try out, best I could have hoped for - real chuffed :) If you're interested I have a photo attached of the setup and a couple screen grabs of the resulting debrief visuals. (Only double levels today, so not sure yet how release dives will look) Thks to everyone that gave input and advice. Great forum! BS
  2. Simba

    AFF - handycam

    hi Dutton, I have looked on Para Gear for the chest mount you have mentioned, but not having any luck. Are you able to give me an item # on that part? thk you sir!
  3. Simba

    AFF - handycam

    This is an interesting idea, thks for the photo. Could you post or PM me a photo of the setup that you have created? Thks S
  4. Simba

    AFF - handycam

    Right, seems this idea is headed to file 13.. I've not actually seen a hand-cam glove in real life. I'd figured that, looking at the size of my gopro, there was likely some smart dude who'd made a slick, unobstructive design. But perhaps I'm ahead of the curve there [Perhaps an opp for some smart inventor / rigger type] Thks to all for comment BS
  5. Simba

    AFF - handycam

    Hi folks, I'm interested in the experience out there and thoughts on the use of handycam by AFF instructors. I currently use helmet mounted gopro to provide debrief feedback to students and I am thinking of changing. Questions I have are: - general experience using the system and the quality of the debrief footage? - can a single glove / mount be used on both R and L hands? - possible interference with canopy management, esp high speed landings. Thks y'all S
  6. A few of a set of photos taken above Limpopo province, SA. Student completed the entire programme in 3 days - good work. S
  7. Thks to all for posts and private emails. Useful information and insight - much obliged! Blue skies S
  8. Thks, nice feedback. When you refer to (eg) 'student # 2', how do you ensure that the student knows that he/she is #2 without any chance of error? S
  9. To date our DZ has been assisting students to land with visual guides only (brightly coloured paddles used on the 'mirror image' basis.) We are now contemplating a switch to radios. As with any change, we have those that are for and those that are against. We need to do some research as part of the decision-making exercise. It is obvious that there will be some best practice processes and protocols to observe using radios. Any of you guys have a document of SOPs assoc with this student aid? Your feedback and/or comments will be most appreciated. Thks S