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Everything posted by badlock

  1. Thanks at all for the answers (in the other thread) about my rigging questions. Now I have to decide between the following containers: - Infinity because the reserve flap design & reserve pilot chute seems to be equal like on the Vector 3. Other reasons for choosing the Infinity are the secondary riser covers. - Wings because I heard only good thinks about it. What would you do and why? Don't be a Lutz!
  2. bad things....hopefully skydivers jumping springloaded main PC's will know if they get a hesitation to look over there shoulder, dump air, and the thing will take off...if they are pulling so low that a PC hesitation will cause a cypres fire...well there pulling too damn low for there skill level.... I meant, what happens if you fall into Cypres and your springloaded reserve PC has a hesitation? Don't be a Lutz!
  3. Sounds bad. What happens if anybody falls into Cypres? Don't be a Lutz!
  4. @ wmw999 & andy 2: I agree - I should read the rest of the threads first - and, I've done it, but I'm confused now. I've found the threads about Skyhook and some about the Wings. But I've found also these threads: and: Now I'm more confused than before @ riggerrob: I'm confused. In other threads (see above) you say, you agree with some manufacurers that their design are safer and now you say, that all top manufacturers are ok. The problem is, that a beginner like me has no experience. So I have to ask people who have the experience. The problem is, that many of the experienced jumpers have opinions which sounds very plausibly for me. Tell me one reason why I - the greenhorn(!) - should ignore the opinion from a jumper who has 3500+ jumps? Or with other words: Should I buy a cheaper rig, or should I buy the Vector with the Skyhook? What would you do, riggerrob? Blue Sky!
  5. Hi guys, I'm new in the sport and in the forum and I want to purchase my own first rig. I haven't found any good second hand system deals, so I have purchased a second hand canopy and now I need a container/harness system for it. My first descision was a Wings because my rigger said it were ok. Then a friend of mine said that a friend of him (3500+ jumps) told him, that he would only trust in a Vector 3 because of the reserve container: He said that Vectors are the only container/harness systems which has the best sewn reserve container. It would open like a flower so that the freebag could start better if the main parachute POD is still in the container (during total malfunction like pilot chute in tow, for example). He called this situation a "cold reserve deployment". What is true?? I want to buy the safest what I can get and I didn't want to be the one millionst jumper who has a double malfunction caused by a bad build container. As a beginner I'm may not experienced enough to pull my reserve under all circumstances belly to the globe, so the construction of my container should let the freebag start under all of these circumstances. I'm not a idiot, but I want a idiot proof equipment . Best regards and blue sky!! Don't be a Lutz!