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Posts posted by superswooper

  1. I see, that explains the logic behind throwing into the spin. I’m thinking with my paramotor reserve the plan will be throw hard to the side and behind, not up or down, into the spin.

    These systems are bagged with very loose line stows that are intended to pay out quickly. So they are a least somewhat staged. I still wonder if a pilot chute would improve reliability. Maybe not. 

    As it stands now, these reserves are far from reliable. The best thing is to avoid scenarios that are likely to result in a reserve throw. Guys who engage in the riskiest of behavior often carry 2 throw out reserves. 

    I appreciate all the input.

  2. Thanks Mark. Believe it or not, the paraglider/paramotor crowd still use remarkably similar systems. YouTube videos  have me thinking there is room for improvement in both training and technology. It looks like people are having trouble throwing into clean air. It seems like there are more main/reserve entanglements than there should be. 

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  3. What was the procedure for throwing an old no pilot chute belly reserve? Any old timers around who were trained on these, or better yet deployed one? I have a distant and fuzzy memory of someone saying that skydivers during that time were trained to throw the reserve into the spin, but I may not be remembering accurately.