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  1. laurengreg


    There was not one personal attack in that post. NOT ONE. I would really like to know why it was deleted!!!
  2. maybe so, but my goals have been accomplished so that overrides any loss of self respect.
  3. I'm so sorry. She didn't want you to know she's carrying your child. Didn't mean to say that. I would take it back, but I've already lost my job anyway because of her. I have nothing to lose.
  4. you would know that because your nearly six month pregnant girlfriend told you. Has she told you that is the reason you haven't seen her for months so you don't see her rapidly growing stomach?
  5. If it's nude, just don't use my picture please.
  6. Thank you all for the pm, e messages. The accused responded last night and apologized. He/she/it said the picture would be removed (it still has not been as of 5 minutes ago.) I ran in to a friend I went to high school with and he asked if I took up skydiving. He is involved with extreme sports and has been skydiving and browses skydiving sites as this one. It was lucky I saw him so I could get this taken care of. As many of you pointed out it may not be illegal, but it really bothered me that someone was using my picture to portray him/her/itz. I'm sure it would most of you. Even though I would love to blast this person out of the water, I've decided not to name names. She/he/it knows who they are. Hopefully this will be resolved soon. Thank you all for your replies. Lauren
  7. It's a girl and I did email her. It seems like this should be illegal or something!
  8. Yes! I sent an email message and received no reply from them. I want to be nice about it, but it is starting to bug me out.
  9. I thought my friend was bullshitting, because he asked when I took up skydiving. He told me about it and it is most definitely me. I am still in shock about it.
  10. It is posted beside someone's name. Their icon or whatever.
  11. A friend of mine recently asked me if I posted here because he saw my picture here. I would like to know how I can get it removed. I have never posted here and no of no one who does. I have contacted the "user" but no reply. What can I do now?