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Everything posted by gabby

  1. Hi andrea Thanx for your response. Peter is basically paralysed from the waist down with a bit (very little) of muscle activity in his hip flexes and glutes. He also has no sensation. We have two dilemas. One is how does he maintain a stable arch with no use of his legs. The other is how does he land safely without breaking something else. We filmed his tamdem jump on the weekened and his legs are definitely unstable in the air. We tied his legs together with webbing and that helps, but then his legs flap to either the left or the right. Thanks so much for your interest and assistance. This really is a super cool website! Gabby
  2. Hi there. I am introducing myself on behalf of my boyfriend, Peter, who does not have internet access. Peter had a skydiving accident a year ago and is now a L1 paraplegic, which means that he is basically paralysed from the waist down, but has some (very little) muscle control in his glutes and hip flexes. Last weekend he did a tandem jump because he can't bear to stay out of the sky! He really wants to progress to a point where he can fly solo, but we don't know if this has been achieved before and are battling to figure out the logistics. We don't know of anyone in South Africa who has done this. I am asking for any help and input from anyone who has had any similar experience or has any ideas. I was quite inspired by Alistair's story and think that may be a starting point for us. Looking forward to hearing from anyone! Thanx Gabby and Peter
  3. Hi there. I am introducing myself on behalf of my boyfriend, Peter, who does not have internet access. Peter had a skydiving accident a year ago and is now a L1 paraplegic. Last weekend he did a tandem jump because he can't bear to stay out of the sky! He really wants to progress to a point where he can fly solo, but we don't know if this has been achieved before and are battling to figure out the logistics. We don't know of anyone in South Africa who has done this. I am asking for any help and input from anyone who has had any similar experience or has any ideas. I was quite inspired by Alistair's story and think that may be a starting point for us. Looking forward to hearing from anyone! Thanx Gabby and Peter