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Dropzone Reviews posted by skytash

  1. I went to PSC for the first time today and loved it. There was the usual checking of paperwork, but nothing onerous, then I did a solo (as I always do first time at a new dz). On the way up I asked if there was a load organiser on the dz, and was duly introduced to him once back on the ground. Even the people I wasn't jumping with were very friendly, asking me where I came from, tellng stories of their experiences in the UK and overall very chatty. The dropzone is smaller than I'm used to, that just made it more friendly. I easily got 6 jumps in and could have done more. The plane is great, with a great sound system (shame about the Abba CD!), nicely fitted out and like any King Air, climbs nice and fast. I'll definitely be going back and am glad to have found a home while I'm in SA!

  2. I did my training at Nethers, so could be considered as biased... I then went to some large US dropzones and was amazed at how professionally things could be run! I moved around the world a little for work, so hadn't been jumping in the UK for a couple of years. Now that I'm back, I thought I'd check out Nethers and Langar, both being dropzones with sensibly sized planes (Caravans) all year round.

    I have to say, not only did I learn how well organised a dropzone can be run, but so did Nethers. Robin, who runs the show at week-ends, has invested in a computerised manifest system with screens around the DZ (so you don't need to bother the manifesters as much), wireless internet access from your own laptop (for those who have to post between jumps!) and soap in the Ladies (sorry - a bit of an in-joke), so the overall facilities (including hot showers and indoor packing area) are very good.

    He has also arranged for load organising of all skill levels, with free camera slots for bigger groups, there is free-fly coaching, FS coaching (not just for your FS1), there is a canopy school and if you really want it, we have got a resident style coach if you want to learn more about the classics. Most importantaly it has a cheap bar and good bunkhouse (for those like me too lazy to put up a tent).

    I found that there is less politics here than at some other DZs in the UK, mainly because a lot of the jobs are done by the military, so the rivalry for who does (or doesn't!) do the necessary things (re-fuelling planes) just gets sorted out behind the scenes.

    Not all dropzones can be all things to all people, so if it's not for you, we don't mind and hope you are happy and safe somewhere else. If you do like it, we want to see you again and again to be able to watch you learn more about your chosen (or changed to) discipline and improve yourself the same way us regulars on the DZ do.