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    STI - Skydive Toronto Inc.
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  1. Do All dropzones have thier own reserved air space? I was at a dropzone this weekend that is in transition of moving to a new property, As I was jumping this weekend I was seeing a lot of air traffic before during and after my jumps ( Including a 747 fly right over the bowl & a tandem at about 10k ft ) I also jump out of an airport, not sure how it works with them and reserved air space..can anyone enlighten me with regards to the rules around dropzones and airspace (Including Airports/Hangers)? Thanx, Mendez
  2. Thanks for the insight man, The canopy has about 50 jumps on it...Its brand new. What's the life span on lines? In other words how many jumps until it has to be re-lined? I will definately print up the trim chart and have my rigger look into the brake lines. Thanks Again. Mendez
  3. Here's one I can't figure out. I'm jumping a Hornrt 190 in a mirage g4 Container..My openings have been honey most of the time, but lately my canopy has been doing some serious nose diving during openings. So: I go to pitch - The canopy begins to inflate as normal - As I look up I see most of the canopy inflated - a coiuple of the front corners are kind of bent inwards and kabam - Huge front/nose dive - corners pan out (Fully Inflate) and canopy stabalizes. It's been happening lately on and off...I haven't done anything different packing wise (Pro-pack, don't roll the nose but I do a slight tuck). I usually pitch belly to earth and stable... Anyone?
  4. Well I figured it out...After talking to instructors and hittin' the creepers we all thought it was a combination of the articulated rig vs body positioning. But it was a lot simpler. I have been wearing my chest strap a littlle snugger than usual and I clearly remember doing up my chest strap a little tighter than normal the weekend the reach problems occured. I put on my rig and wore my chest strap tighter than usual. Standing up = No Problem. Once I lied on my bed and arched = No Reach. Did the same thing and loosened the chest strap = Lots Of Reach. So still a little shooken-up I felt confident I figured it out. Got on a King Air for the first time (Quite the Exit Experience vs. a cessna) 14,000 ft, 75sec freefall...Got stable and did 4 practice pulls then held my deployment position the rest of the way down for muscle memory (One hand on Hacky other hand over head) and easily reached. Great pull, Great jump. Thanks for your tips and suggestions. It's always great to learn and increase safety and confidence. Mendez
  5. Good Point Beto, I was in a track/dive prior to deployment. It's not rental, Its my rig and although it is articulated there is plenty of slide in it. In other words If I bend down to get a pin-check, That baby will ride/slide all the way up my back a large amount. I still don't understand why this is happening now??? I've been in track/dives many times prior to deployment. Thanks for the input Carnal Mendez
  6. Very Cool! Thanks Man...Will Do. Mendez
  7. Thanks CK! See during the practice pulls I felt my hacky but not as comfortable or confident as any other time. I agree it may have been my Body Positioning...So I did just that. I geared up and hopped on a creeper and again it wasn't feeling right..I tried and tried and arched as much as I could...Still not confident. Thats when I decided to slow down and fuck off for the day. I got pretty shook up and really discouraged.
  8. Thanks For The reply! Was not pushed in man...Its a pretty brand New Rig (Mirage G4) Custom Fit. Mendez
  9. Had an Incident this weekend... Regular jump my 65th. Never had an issue, I'm usually very cautious! As I was tracking away I wave off at about 4000 and attempt to pitch...No Dice! To my surprise I couldn't reach my Hacky! As I Pushed to reach, my head went down and off I go tumbling in every direction imaginable. I fucked up huge because it was more than 2 attempts yet I incisted. The Only Thoughts running through my head was " This Is Bad" I kept my cool but felt myself getting a little desprate. I finnally pulled but who knows what position I was in....To add salt to the wound I got some major line twists. I was able to stop the twists and kick them out alright. I landed safely But could not understand why this all of a sudden happened. I never had problems reaching before. Re-Packed and hopped on the next load..Same Mother-fucking thing happened. This Time I attempted practice pulls...When it was time to pitch...No Hacky! FUCK!!! A Tumbling I Go...I was in back fly when I finally reached and it was a very hard opening. I packed it up and called it quits for the day. I seriously can't figure out why this is happening. Help....Please... Mendez