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Everything posted by luiscalber

  1. -I'm putting on my weight. Thank you
  2. Thank you for your advice. These memories are what I have been taking for a long time. u greeting
  3. Good morning, thank you for your contributions or recommendations. I did not comment on something before or I did not explain it, when I have had some uncoordination in my flare, being something minimal and that I never get to generate an accident is when I have over 5 daily jumps, and here the fatigue appears in a general way throughout my body , and in these moments of fatigue is when you can present small errors of asymmetry, small errors that even today have not generated any accident. Regarding muscle work, it is a task of more than a dozen years, but I repeat the disability is slight, if it were something serious and not sure, I would not be practicing skydiving. I ask again my question, the force to flare in a canopy of 170 to 150 are similar? In all my reductions from 240 I have been noticing that every time I need to use less force Thank you
  4. My doubt, the strength I need to flare in a sabre 170 is the same as in a sabre 150?
  5. Hi, at the moment I am using second hand equipment, you have a Saber 2 - 170. I have a disability in my left arm, in my landings I never had an accident, but sometimes due to fatigue or having less strength in my left arm, I flare non-symmetrically, without generating accidents. My second hand harness is starting to get small and very uncomfortable to fly. I am thinking of buying a new custom harness. My big question, I feel safe to go down to a 150. What bell do you recommend me in which I have to exert less force to perform an effective Flare and thus be able to reduce those small lack of symmetry? my preferences are on Saber 3 150 and Storm 150. What is your opinion? Thanks
  6. Good afternoon, I am a parachute with a disability in my left hand. I recently bought my new flight gear. I want to start folding or paking my dorsel. I have difficulties doing it with the usual procedure. Does anyone know if there is any system for paking on the ground? Ask several riggers and pakers and nadia knows how to give me an answer Thank you