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Posts posted by tosca

  1. Where do I buy a stash bag that:
    -is comfortable over my shoulders
    -is waterproof
    -has a waist band
    -is big enough for my rig and some other things like protective gear and food

  2. I´m going to add a pinstop closer to the pilot chute to convert a throw out to a pull out (with the pilot chute still packed in the boc).

    If you would jump with this: How long would you like the lenght from the base of the pilot chute (where you´re going to hold it) to the pin stop to be?

  3. When landing in the snow, I check if the canopy is dry before I pack it. I got a reserve on my back, but I still don't want my main or my threerings to become frozen.

    "Pauli, along with several other jumpers, had been jumping the day prior and
    landing into very deep snow. The jumpers shook the dry snow out of the canopies
    prior to packing, but evidently Pauli didn't remove it all. What's left melts inside
    the packed rig while it sat in a warm room. The jumpers deposit the rigs into the trunk
    of an old Saab and drive to Stockholm. The temperatures are well below freezing.
    On deployment Pauli canopy went to line stretch but is basically a solid block of
    ice that never inflates."

  4. Quote

    I've never seen anyone officially counting people on regular loads.

    All dropzones I jump at count people on every load.
    I think it´s good, especially at big dropzones or big events.
    If there are too many people in the load for one person to count, each group can report to the person who counts if they landed well or not, to make it easier and faster.

  5. I´m looking for some kind of back and chest protection to use for base jumping, maybe something like the Dainese safety jacket, but in my size.

    Has anyone seen safety jackets or safety wests with size and shape to fit women?

  6. Quote

    i would say that it need more than just 1 distance.

    The laser I know of is made for measuring both distances and heights, so it´s a combined laser-clinometer device.

    That way the device can check the angle between a and c with the clinometer, at the same time as the laser finds out distance c. Then it´s just simple trigonometry for the software to do.

    So only by pointing the laser to the top of the object, I get the height of the object on the display.

    Since I don´t need distance a, it doesn´t matter if the object is perpendicular to the ground, or if it´s underhung or overhung.
    Another good thing about not needing to measure distance a: Near the ground there can be things like trees and big rocks between me and the object, making it impossible to use the laser to find out that distance.

    There are lots of things out there for people with too much money...

  7. Quote

    "That was awesome! I want to swoop. How did you do that?"

    If I was a good swooper I´d answer:
    That I practiced canopy control for XXXX number of jumps.
    Tell him what skills he need to do it. Give him advise on what the next step for him is if his interested. Encourage him to ask for more advise.

    If I actually wasn´t so good at swooping and not the right person to give advise:
    I´ll tell him that I´m still unexperienced when it comes to swooping, and introduce him to someone who can give better advise.

  8. Quote

    How many jumps on the pilot chute?
    What size PC?
    What type of material is the PC made of?
    Is the kill line long enough on the PC, or has it shrunk so that the PC can no longer fully inflate?

    100 jumps, 0-p material, kill line long enough.
    I don´t know the size.


    Were the rubber bands double stowed?
    What size rubber bands?
    How big were the line stows?

    No double stows. The rubber bands were small, made for micro lines, don´t know the size,


    What size canopy?
    What type of lines on the canopy?

    135, micro lines

  9. I´m interested in all possible reasons to why I got a bag lock so I can prevent it from happening again. Maybe there is something I haven´t thought of.

    The rig was packed carefully by an experienced skydiver. Pilot chut was not collapsed according to the packer. Rubber bands for closing the bag. The bag lock was on or near to the closing stows. Maybe the second or third stow (from the canopy)

    All ideas are welcome :)

  10. skydiving is dangerous, expensive and time consuming. I wouldn´t recommend it to anyone who doesn´t have a real interest in doing it.

    since your friends know that you are skydiving, they are going to ask you if they are interested. Just let them know that if they want to skydive, you´ll be glad to give advise about where and how to sign up for a course. :) If someone seem to be really interested but not having enough money, buy your friend a tandem jump or lend him money for the course.

    But I think it´s annoying when people try to make choices for me:S, maybe other people feel the same. Just because skydiving is good for you, doesn´t mean it´s a good choice for everyone else. And just because other don´t like skydiving, it might still be good for you. Show them that you are confident in your decision and give them the time to find out for themselves.

    I don´t think it´s a good idea to lie about the safety issue, just to make people start skydiving. If they ask, I think the best way is to be honest and tell them in which ways it is dangerous and what you can do to make the risk as small as possible.

  11. If I don´t use my own gear at the moment, other people can borrow it. If I have nothing else to do, I´ll help newbies to pack. If someone wants to learn anything (that someone else probably have taught me since I haven´t invented anything in skydiving), I´ll be glad to help and pay for the slot myself.

    It´s great to get more skydivers to play with in the air, I´m just happy if I can help someone to become better so we can do more fun jumps together in the future.
    And who knows, in one year maybe the person I helped have been to boogies all around the world and have things to teach me.:ph34r:

    I enjoy practicing the skill to be able to see the real cause of problems and I think it´s a challenge to find out how to give advise that the jumper understands.
    And they are always very happy to get advise :)