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Article Comments posted by JVXReBornFU

  1. We do not allow "Boogies," we feel that it is wrong to associate a party and drinking type of place with skydiving and aircraft activities. There are enough skydiving incidents and issues already. Combine with public perception and history of drug abuse. Too much for area.

    This mentality also many fatalities over the years. Many more death as compared with day to day exercise. Also this "boogie" mentality safety goes out the door and is ignored.

    Safety demands that first jumps and those with low experience levels we watched by community and drop zone owners.
    This is ignored at wild "boogies."

    You should be alert, prepared, and mentally awake all things that are not possible if prior night before spent up late at night. You want to party, we have places to party. You want to jump we have places to jump. You want to party and jump go to Americia where no one gives a care about your safety.

  2. In my country we do not have a drug problem. We do not have the same kind of addicts where drugs are free. We do not treat drug users as they claim to have a medical problem.

    I read much above and if you claim to be an addict and this is excuse to endanger others you do not endanger others in my lands

    WE kill you. Before your drugs hurt us.

    Simple solution to "What you need to know" My country do not have drug problem. That's all you need to know.



  3. Good to listen to your words you continue to show enthusiasm for jumping.

    I and you both know after 1:1 loading we are going to cut away more than others. This is the choice we make.

    Thus following this I jump ready to "Cut Away" without exception. I am ready at an instant and always ready. I am thinking in my brain  "MALFUNCTION" so that each and every jump I am ready. 


    So many I know do not think like this. They wait to see, they wait to think, they wait to late. They are complacent, I visit their graves.


  4. Multiple passes.

    Multiple passes increase safety. I do not understand why so much speculation and silly discussion.

    More time between exits for everyone.

    Which group or which type of jump makes no difference. Time must increase or multiple passes. Silly to debate and discuss this again and again when "Exit Order" doesn't matter.

    Proven by GPS.

    Wing suits tracking must take place at 90 degrees away from aircraft flight direction. No exception. Actual order in aircraft doesn't matter.
