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Posts posted by Airman1270

  1. I REST MY CASE your honour

    I'm now officially done here.:)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    And what exactly was your case? I said spouses should treat each other with mutual respect and you felt the need to argue.

    Don't know what a "Stepford" wife is, but I assume it's a work of fiction. Are you saying that it's unrealistic to expect a wife to respect her husband? Sad to say, but many people could relate.


  2. ...Why is said woman pissed off in the 1st place,...
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Many reasons. Control freak for one. Thinks it her place to set up hoops and punish him for not jumping through them.

    The woman who balks at the suggestion of mutual respect can create havoc in any relationship.


  3. ...The Airman guy seems to have a very one sided few of how relationships should work, he has been PMing me and some of his views are scewed beyond belief.

    Mutual respect in a relationship is based on what BOTH parties want...
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    This is exactly what I was saying. How is this "one-sided" or "screwed beyond belief?"

    Mutual respect means not looking down on the guy, telling him he's worthless, pushing him away, and treating him like crap.

    This was my original point, yet you felt compelled to argue rather than send me flowers & a high-five.

    And why is this type in bold face?


  4. You made my point very well.

    I was not just a "radio announcer." I was reading the raw police reports & writing newscasts.

    The common theme to this conversation is the eagerness of so many to blame the man for ALL marital difficulties, regardless of facts.

    In the '60's Bob Hope was asked his opinion regarding equality for women. He said "I'm all for it, but why do they want to give up all that power?"


  5. ...I have in no way alluded to you lying.
    I just cant believe the simplistic view you seem to have on this...
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    What's wrong with simplicity?

    If I'm not lying, why are you arguing? Are you saying spouses should NOT treat each other with mutual respect?


  6. Quote


    ...Your definition of respect seems to imply complete subserviance to the man. that's not respect that's slavery...
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    WHAT? Mutual respect = "suberviance to the man?"

    It's not "my" definition.

    I said women should respect their husbands. You disagree, and call it "slavery."

    In my radio career I never read a "family violence" report in which the man lashed out at a woman who treated him right.


    the fact that you can not see the one sided nature of that comment beggars beilief

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    The real issue is your knee-jerk hostility to the suggestion that wives respect their husbands. As I stated earlier, I never read a "family violence" report in which the wife treated the husband right and he got angry & violent. Are you suggesting I'm lying about this?


  7. ...Your definition of respect seems to imply complete subserviance to the man. that's not respect that's slavery...
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    WHAT? Mutual respect = "suberviance to the man?"

    It's not "my" definition.

    I said women should respect their husbands. You disagree, and call it "slavery."

    In my radio career I never read a "family violence" report in which the man lashed out at a woman who treated him right.


  8. ...your post is so small minded and misogynistic...

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    Um... I've heard this word before. What exactly does it mean?

    ...the biblical dribble you just posted...
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    Am I mistaken? The Bible encourages spouses to love & respect each other. Are you saying there's something wrong with this? How would you want your spouse to treat you? Got a better idea?

    We have television, radio, computers, iPods and educated emancipated women....
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Okay, granted. We have technology & "education." So this means women can treat their men like crap and not cause friction in a relationship? Are you saying it's the man's fault if she treats him poorly and he eventually reacts in a negative manner?

    Funny & sad, but I knew this would be the response. Why is it so controversial to suggest that wives treat husbands with respect?


  9. ...I get it. Nobody likes cops until you need one...
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    Count me among those who have a bad attitude. It didn't always be this way and my attitude is not the result of personal experience. I have a clean record and have never been in trouble. (I have been mistreated by cops on several occasions; these were minor incidents that did not result in my arrest but they were completely unjustified.)

    Yes, police work has always involved helping people and chasing bad guys. However, in the last few decades the job has expanded to include heavy-handed response to minor violations and harassment of people for doing things that used to be okay.

    The tipping point for me was an incident in June '94 at a supermarket in Woodstock, GA several miles from my home. A woman spanked her kid, some snarky employee called 911, and the cop arrested the mother when he should have instead apologized to her for the intrusion and cited the employee for filing a false report of a crime.

    This bastard deserved to be shot dead in the street.

    How the hell did he manage to graduate from cop school with the idea that it was any of his damn business to interfere like this?

    My radio career involved regularly reading police reports. It is perfectly routine for these guys to arrest people for sleeping in their cars or demand to see ID if they find you walking along the roadside late at night. What the goddamn hell is going on in this country? Why are these guys willing to work a job that requires them to treat their fellow citizens this way? And why are they so eager to make an arrest, especially regarding minor non-violent violations, when they could settle a situation in a less intrusive manner, such as writing a ticket?

    Yes they perform a necessary service, but if they're willing to arrest a guy for defending himself against an assault or throwing a coffee cup across the room after his wife has been treating him like shit they have forfeited any claim to our respect.

    Jon S.

  10. ...I think me and a buddy with do the tandem jump at cedartown georgia. wonder if anyone has experience with these people, I would kinda like to do research 1st....
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Lots of nice people there and they'll treat you right, but drive just a few more miles to the Farm. They've got a neat shuttle bus ride to the airport and a much bigger landing area.


  11. Quote


    If women would put as much effort into their marriages as they do into their weddings this country would be saturated with happy guys, divorce would not be ubiquitous, and there would be no such thing as "family violence" laws.


    Dude that has got to be the single DUMBEST statement made on these boards EVER...
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    Struck a nerve, eh? What did I say that isn't true?

    For a marriage to work the wife must respect the husband, not belittle him, constantly criticizing, nit picking, controlling & pushing him away. She must receive his attention with enthusiasm and desire (okay, once in a while perhaps reluctantly but be there for him anyway because she loves the guy. ) He, in turn, must treat her the same way but most guys don't need to be told this.

    When I did radio I spent several years reading police reports, including "family violence" incidents. Without exception, the "violence" was always preceded by the woman treating the man like crap.
    This treatment included, but was not limited to insulting, demeaning comments, and a pattern of disrespect that had begun long before cops became involved.

    We live in a culture that routinely treats men, especially fathers, with contempt. "Harassment" policies assume the man is ALWAYS wrong any time a woman makes a petty complaint. The invention of "date rape" criminalizes men for getting involved in what they thought was consensual conduct, only to learn that the woman regrets making a slut of herself and is seeking to blame the guy rather than accept responsibility for her actions.

    And take note of how many radio & TV commercial scripts are written in such a way as to portray the man as an idiot, while the woman (or the child) is the authority figure who keeps the cool head and has the answers.

    I know many people have been conditioned into knee-jerk rejection of Biblical standards, but the best marriages I've known involved people who understand and respect these standards, even if they occasionally fall short in upholding them. Additionally, these are people who may not necessarily have been wedding day virgins, but did not approach the marriage with long histories of cheap hookups, one-night stands, and other promiscuous behavior.

    Yes, I'm sure there are cases where the wife does everything right and the guy is just a jerk, but this is not the norm. Ladies, want a good marriage? Treat that guy the way you treated him during those first few months after the wedding.


  12. Been doing it on & off for years, usually solo/acoustic. Last summer began playing at a nearby bar & started bringing a friend along who plays excellent electric. At times we grab some others and just fly, and it almost always works. Recently I grabbed bass & drums on the spot for a pretty good version of Zeppelin's "Gallows Pole." Other mostly unrehearsed successes include "Listen to the Music," "Baker Street," "You're No Good," "You're So Vain," "Do It Again," "Hey Nineteen," and "LA Woman." We're currently working on, and almost have down, Zep's "Since I've Been Loving You" and "Locomotive Breath." I've worked out the piano intro on the guitar and we know a flute player who may/may not be available.

    I've played in kick-ass church bands for ten years, but have always wanted to play in front of drunk people. Finally got my wish during "LA Woman" as a drunk Eastern European danced in front of the stage, pumping his fist and playing air guitar. Years ago I was that guy. Until now nobody's done it for me. Old guys rock.

    Jon S.

  13. ..."Pre -Pro" Packing...
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


    I flat-pack the 'Cloud. After six years and nearly 80 jumps on the Triathalon I'm finally getting to the point where pro-packing the thing is not intimidating and can be effortless if I do everything right. Whatever that is.

    Used to pro-pack my Star Trac (290.) Once flat-packed it but it was an awful lot of work for the same result. Nice trip down memory lane, though.


  14. Minimum wage laws are inherently wrong and should be scrapped. However, Americans have become so conditioned to the mighty edicts of the left-wing nanny state that it would be impossible to make any progress toward liberty & freedom in this area. Better to focus on regaining freedom in other areas and repealing other intrusive laws.

    Remember 30 years ago when most fast-food restaurants were reasonably clean and well staffed?
    Thanks to left-wing minimum wage laws employers are forced to pay entry-level employees more than they're worth. It has become too expensive to schedule an extra person or two on any given shift.

    Funny how the people who claim a monopoly on concern for the "little guy" are the same people who impose high taxes on those minimum wage paychecks, demand that waiters, bartenders & pizza guys report tips, and impose laws which make it more difficult for business owners to hire several more little guys.


  15. ...Right. Because if you don't care to see Ann Coulter in person you must hate conservatives...

    How many times have you seen her in person yourself?...
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


    Joe: "All seats for the final game of the '04 world series were sold out."

    Quanisha: "I don't believe you. Prove it. Give me the names of everyone who attended the game."

    Joe: "Can't. Don't know the names. All I know is the tickets were sold out. Couldn't get one."

    Quanisha: "This proves you're lying..."

    Good ol' liberal Democrat logic.


  16. ...Business owners are not eager to replace people who are doing the job well . . .

    Sure they are...
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    Rarely, if ever. But the point is that they have the right to make these decisions. Liberty. Freedom. If Steve doesn't want you working for him, it doesn't matter why. Instead, go work for DeShawn. If you understand this and don't make a fuss you'll likely get a good reference from Steve. But nobody owes you a job.

    Besides, do you really want to work for someone who only has you on staff because a judge is forcing the situation?

    ...Fortunately we now have laws that prevent someone from being fired based on their religion...
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Good. Tell that to the Christian guy who was fired after his supervisor forced a conversation about homosexuality, then objected when he explained his views on the matter.

    >Do your homework and report back: Who is proposing such policies?

    Generally conservatives...
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    Specifics, please.

    ...They're the ones trying to repeal Roe v. Wade...
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    Two reasons: 1) Abortion, by its very definition, is the murder of a baby by its own mother, and 2) RvW was plain bad law. Period. This matter was not voted on by the people's repesentatives. It was shoved down our throats by a handful of liberal judges.

    If you think abortion should be legal, fine. Offer your arguments, persuade people to agree, and encourage your elected representatives to vote for it.

    ...trying to tear married couples apart...
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    This is irrational hysteria. What are you talking about?


  17. Nah "chistians" ... or the zyclon b they used before burning the bodies ...
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    What's really amusing/frightening is that this country is teeming with people running loose with college degrees who consider themselves "educated," yet actually believe that the mass murder that occurred in Europe some 70-odd years ago was driven by people who regularly attended Bible study.

    Having made such an offensive accusation, please back it up. How was Christianity responsible for the Holocaust?

    (Extra credit: Site New Testament references which condone the actions of the German leadership.)


  18. ...Let's see. We could keep the blacks out of proper schools and keep them from marrying white women....
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    Please research this and report back: Who exactly has proposed such policies?

    ... We could fire people because they were gay or disabled...
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    More ridiculousness. Business owners are not eager to replace people who are doing the job well, regardless of their personal imperfections. At the same time, they should have the right to hire & fire as they please, without having to explain their decisions to a judge. Private property rights.

    Just because a guy might be gay or disabled does not render him immune from the normal ebb & flow of real life. If someone decides he doesn't want you to work for him, then go work somewhere else. Why must a court be involved?

    ...We could keep "undesirables" from voting by using poll taxes and literacy tests. If you were a woman and got an abortion, you'd end up in prison...
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    (Sigh.) Do your homework and report back: Who is proposing such policies?

    ...And if people like you have your way, my friends will end up being kicked out of school because they're black, and imprisoned because they're gay or think they own their own bodies...
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    What are you talking about? Who is suggesting such laws?


  19. ...Larry Craig. Solicited gay sex...
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    Let the record show that a liberal Democrat acknowledges there's something wrong with this.


    ***Wait a minute. I haven't seen any evidence that anyone made fun of the guy's alleged parkinsons situation. All I see are accusations that someone heckled a guy who HAPPENS to maybe suffer from the disease...

    ***This is what happened with Rush. He was criticizing M. J. Fox's ignorant statements regarding embryonic stem cell research...

    ...What you've done here is to justify Lush Rimjob for his unforgiveable actions...
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    My my, such hatred. Anyone wanna venture a guess as to how much time Mr. Lucky has actually spent listening to the show?

    Are you saying that if a guy who has parkinson's claims the sun rises in the west it would be cruel or "unforgiveable" to point out that he's wrong?

    This is what Rush did. He did not make fun of Fox's illness. (I heard the show. You didn't.)

    As for issues of liberty & freedom, make a list of all the things we were free to do 30 years ago but which are illegal today. How many of these new laws were pushed by Democrats, & how many were pushed my Republicans? In other posts I listed numerous examples of freedom being eroded by the left. Rather than explain why I'm wrong, you get your panties in a wad about the Patriot Act and even manage to misrepresent that.

    If people like you have your way my family will end up in a boxcar someday.


  20. Lucky:

    You can spew your bigotry for hours without coming up for air.

    Neither political party is perfect, and our side has not been shy about criticizing our guys when they were wrong. Republicans not only are not perfect, but at times have been pretty damn gutless.

    However, the fact remains that when Democrats win elections and get what they want, we all lose more money & more freedom. When liberals (in either party) are in charge, it becomes illegal to do things we were previously free to do.

    This is the issue.

    Jon S.

  21. ...Besides, your hero and the REAL RNC Chairman Limbaugh did it, why not follow suit?...
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    Wait a minute. I haven't seen any evidence that anyone made fun of the guy's alleged parkinsons situation. All I see are accusations that someone heckled a guy who HAPPENS to maybe suffer from the disease.

    This is what happened with Rush. He was criticizing 1) M. J. Fox's ignorant statements regarding embryonic stem cell research, and 2) Democrats' use of a sympathetic public figure to appeal to emotion rather than reason. Thus, anyone who called Fox out on his failure to understand basic facts was portrayed as making fun of his personal situation.

    Jon S.