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Posts posted by crimpfiend

  1. Quote

    Thats Sara fucking Bracher to you buddy. God I love that new middle name of hers. Hey Crimpy what other secret projects have you been hiding on the rest of us WS peoples.

    No secret projects here - my #1 project is trying to be good Mommy to my 10 mo. old daughter :).


    PS: I hope you didn't think that I added the F-word to Sara's name - I was trying to quote someone else's quote. I think Sara is a doll.

  2. OOOiii Matt! My question is: WHEN are you going to have kids?!? C'mon in, the water's fine ;). Your posts make you sound all grown up n' stuff. Moi... BASE is on the back burner for now, but I'm not selling my gear. Maybe Z will be up for ground crewing when she's old enough to understand why I spent so many years chasing altitude.


  3. I took that picture. Breaks my heart. Some other ones from that trip are attached. A note about the second one: when I was about to snap that shot, Slim said, "Mate, I just hate these group shots cuz you just know that one of us isn't going to be here next year..."

  4. If you're jumping a canopy that's huge for you (relatively speaking), the container would have been made to accommodate the canopy size, which could have a wide yoke.

    My pin-closed rigs (Vertex's) have fairly narrow yokes - one holds a 185 VTEC and the other holds a 205 VTEC. My velcro-closed rigs (Reactor's) seem to have slightly wider yokes, with the widest one holding a 220 FLIK.

    You can try cinching your cheststrap tighter after you gear up, which is a bit more effective if you have an articulated harness (rings at the hips allow the main lift web to flex inwards a tad more than non-artic). To be comfortable doing this, put the rig on, hike it up on your shoulders to where's most comfy, then tighten your cheststrap in that position, followed by tightening your legstraps last. Just make sure that you feel comfortable with where your BOC is situated, as it could end up being a couple of inches higher than before.

    I don't think packing really has a huge effect on how the yoke fits, unless you pack really 'fat', which could make the rig fit tighter overall, causing the backpad to push against your back and pulling the yoke & riser area outward.

    For the most part though, dealing with wide yokes is just part of being a small person. Although I'm taller than you - 5'1.5 ;).

  5. Nick, we're all a little lost. Or actually, I prefer to think of it as wandering without a clear cut destination. But that's not such a bad thing is it? I bet if we actually 'arrived' somewhere, we'd quickly realize that it's not all it's cracked up to be, and then we'd be off wandering again. And personally speaking, my head's always been screwed on a bit sideways. E/call me if you wanna chat about these afflictions.

    ~ Karin

  6. Thanks for representin' Jason. I read the posts and think some were slightly enlightened by your comments. Climbing's been as big a part of my life as BASE has, so I appreciate the parallels and differences in each... and indeed I think many climbers & jumpers are cut from the same cloth.

  7. A bold and risky endeavor for sure, but Jeb's an intelligent guy and he's not approaching this venture haphazardly. Trust me, he doesn't want to be injured or die doing this. He's got a pretty cool life and he wants to keep enjoying it :)
    He's got substantial technical support and the financial backing that's enabling him to explore all avenues so that he can execute this feat successfully. In the end, if he doesn't believe it can be done safely, he won't do it. But even putting the wheels into motion to seriously attempt such a thing is an act of daring in itself and I respect him for that.

    I and all of his friends have the same concerns everyone else does, but he's had passion for this since he started flying suits years ago, so come what may, we'll love and support him through this journey.

  8. Sweet Leeee! I think the only thing that would've made it better for him is if we were both there to share the smiles:P

  9. Nice guy, a smile always at the ready. We hung out & chatted at Perris a few weeks ago - he was training & flying his WS, totally excited about heading over to LB.

    Deepest condolences & prayers to his loved ones.

    Fly free.

  10. Thanks to Stein & the entire SBK crew for a brilliant event. The choppers, boats, accommodations, parties - everything was top-notch. Even with the weather, people still jumped their butts off & had a great time.

    Some VERY cool stuff happening over there:

    Sick long delays with Robert's new Phoenix-Fly products - people tracking to the lighthouse/landing areas from #6 in the Phoenix pants & wingsuitting completely across the fjord. Jeb's complicated twisting-flippy-do's in 5 secs., then tracking like a madman, with Douggs just feet from him the entire time. Chopper flight radness - those pilot's love their jobs. World record chick-way - 8 of us (incl. 1 awesome wingsuitting Brit diva!) & two great camera dudes - go Team Estrogen! (in my heart this was a 9-way, cuz sweet Lika was definately there in spirit!). Plus a whole lotta memorable jumps & shared smiles with old friends & new.

    The energy, spirit & dream of flight are definately alive & well around the world.

    Norway rocks. Thanks again.

    BS/Safe Leaps,