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Posts posted by mikeat10500

  1. I did a search for Raw Dogs on the forums...maybe I spelt it wrong...

    I did a search for micro0line death CRW...still no luck...so maybe some of you have not seen this.

    To do CRW ...I think you need a sense of humour...a some running shoes...on kinda loose.


    • Like 1

  2. On 10/23/2023 at 9:08 PM, MrBrant said:

    I actually laughed out loud when seeing what that line was hung up on. 


    Then cringed at the cutaway without clearing it first....


    Yo dogs
    take a look at me
    Go Pro
    as I CReW my canopy

    Too hot
    smoke'n like a Rasta
    don't look now
    we just over cooked the pasta

    Hook knife
    may come in handy
    this time
    it snagged a sketchy Andy

    Chop chop
    and we get-a-way clean
    with the HD video
    best you ever seen

    Full stop
    'cause we don't got the hunger
    to unite
    our reserves for the thunder

    It's a
    matter of ability
    no pilot chutes
    and rock like stability

    Next time
    we try to get together
    base pin
    we fly it to the letter
    so smooth
    it flows like a milkshake
    watch us now and the formations we make


  3. Although I consider myself an expert in E.P., I am also 20 years past my best before date, so I want someone current to do the talking. I have a bit of an issue with this video once posted on the CRW forum and no one mad any comment.

    The younger red hot chilly pepper dude did not even look at his reserve handle...ever!!! He attempted to hang on to his main while chopping it and could not pull the cutaway handle with one hand. Good thing! The RSL worked as designed. Both handles are the same color. To me it looks as if his original training was lacking and he never fixed that problem before he moved on to more advanced activities.

  4. On 9/26/2023 at 5:55 AM, Joellercoaster said:

    Echo this.

    I have a 135 that I load at about 1.8, and it has never given me trouble but I am very mindful of deploying flat and stable.

    I've always pro packed it and never done anything weird or special compared to other canopies, and I am not a particularly careful packer. I've also used it for training camps with overworked packers getting me onto short calls, real "turn around and don't watch, good now here's your rig" situations.

    Body position > packing magic, IMO.

    I did not pack them but even having the leg straps uneven was bad mojo. They still make them?

  5. I have been thinking about regulation....low turns and fast canopies. I was totally against the reintroduction of the bat wing technology aka squirrel suites ... now wing suites .... but never for regulation against them...do as you like.  Just think if USPA had outlawed your wing suits. So education is the responsibility of USPA and not law enforcement ... in my humble opinion.  Enforcement of safety rules should fall on the DZO and DZ safety officer. Again ...just my thoughts.

    I always found it easier to ask for forgiveness than to get permission anyway.

  6. I hung off every word....1.5 hours of true joy....everything I wanted to say but felt unqualified to preach or teach to people with more jumps, more experience....and still active in the sport.

    This was the most intelligent conversation I have  witnessed in 20 years.

    I wish more people would listen to it. True wisdom.

  7. Careful with fast progressing AFF...the tent to downsize canopies a little to fast for some.

    You need to be able to land safely to proceed to your next level.

    Look around on this site...use search for AFF, the DZ's, and look hard at incidents and accidents.

    You don't want to become a statistic on a government chart.

    And...most importantly!!!.......have fun. 

  8. We had no patio step so you had to hop over to the wheel and hook you elbow...not easy at all.

    We used a hot dog roll style pilot chute fold for all student gear.

    I have a video of old style PFF from 182 showing the elbow trick...somewhere.

    • Like 1

  9. 3 hours ago, riggerrob said:

    Dear Mike,

     Sadly, USPA is still trying to "re-invent the wheel" a "wheel" that was invented in Georgia circa 1976.


    Ever see them do AFF one on ones?  Wrong side...fun too watch...fighting over the pilot chute.

  10. On 1/10/2021 at 5:44 PM, riggerrob said:



    The other major point - of IAD - is always releasing the pilot-chute well below the horizontal tail of your airplane. With Cessnas, the simplest way to develop the habit of tossing the pilot-chute below the door sill ... every time.

    I beg to differ Rob...and no disrespect, I value your wisdom and experience above all on here....but!

    It's not where you place the pilot chute that counts but when you release the pilot chute...after the student is well clear of the A/C ...pilot chute will be directly behind the pin in the relative air flow. So a well placed pilot chute released when the student in still hanging around wont work, but after the student falls 6 feet below the tail...you can through pilot chute at the pilot if you like.  it ends up in the same place...and attempting to through pilot chute is futile....just lean way out...place the baby low and don't let go until the student well clear.

    Again no disrespect intended....love mike...want to buy my lopo 26?.

    • Like 2

  11. On 7/6/2023 at 2:35 AM, Cg321 said:

    I have is dedicated to learning as much as possible about skydiving.


    You'll do just fine...always be a diligent student...regardless of the certificates and ratings you shall earn.

    I would wish you luck, but...it should not be a factor...if you do your home work..  


    dict cure | grep 'Luke ix' -B 2

    Then he called his twelve disciples together, and
    gave them power . . . to cure diseases. --Luke ix.


    The cure...

    From Stage 3 Colon Cancer to NO Cancer Detected in 4 Months


    the science...

    Can We STARVE CANCER What You NEED TO KNOW- Dr. Thomas Seyfried

    Cancer Lives on Sugar AND...Something Else--

    The BITTER TRUTH About Sugar -26 How It CAUSES DISEASE- Dr. Robert Lustig

    HEALTHY FOODS That Heal The Body- Starve Cancer -26 PREVENT DISEASE- Dr. William Li -26 Lewis Howes

    Introduction to the Microbial World

    Bacterial Pathogenesis_ How Bacteria Cause Damage

    Bacterial Infections in Humans

    Seven Amazing Mushrooms and Their Powerful Properties


    and the politics...

    The Big Secret - Full Medical Documentary

    10 Bad Things STATIN Drugs do in Your Body -Statin Side Effects- - 2023

    The secrets of sugar ...fith esstate

    The Disturbing History of Coca-Cola

    Nestlé_s Darkest Secret_ The Disturbing Truth

    McDonald_s_ The Company that Poisoned America

    ⚠ Antibiotics with the WORST Side Effects -Dangerous Antibiotics- Fluoroquinolones

    Paralyzed By A Prescription Doctor -Poisoned- By Common Antibiotic

    Cover-Up Of Promising Cancer Treatment Cancer Research Documentary

    Monsanto_ The Company that Owns the World’s Food Supply


  13. Cancer...is no laughing matter...or is it?
    After all...laughter is the best medicine.

    So what is the big mystery...where is the cure?
    What treatments are effective...and for how long?

    I know nothing of what I speak of...just thinking out loud.
    Any Cancer research people out there? PHD's in internal medicine?
    We should be able to put our heads together...and beat this thing.

     Ok...<Garbage on>
         We need three things to get Cancer.
       1) a bacterial infection "you should already have this by now"
       2) Scar tissue, inflammation and fatty tissue. "Smoking, super hot coffee, liver damage ,
          old injuries and we need a high fat diet.  "I assume you took care of that already"
       3) a compromised immune system. "high stress life style and poor eating habits"

          That should do it...everyone now has Cancer.
       OK...how do we reverse this effect.
          Conventional treatment to slow the Cancer effect...
        But the cure leis in your immune system.
        That is how we got in this mess in the first place.
        That bacteria will not act up if your immune system is strong.
        It will live with you as a symbiotic...to avoid detection.
        If your immune system is weak...it is coming back...for sure.
        If you build a strong immune system...you found the cure.
        So Low stress combined with good nutrition should be
        a winning hand. Good nutrition is mandatory for a full
        recovery. No form of Cancer is unbeatable...
        Proof is provided in the link. Mushroom extracts are available in the USA.
        Good luck!  



  14. USPA Basic Safety Regulations.

     I would not necessarily be the best person to
    get advice from...as I still think EFS is a BSR.
    So I have arranged for you to spend some time
    with the experts on the subject.  

     These are the coolest jumpers of all time...
     They have experience and skill galore...
     Using Mikey's Time Machine...
     You even get to jump with them...
    That is...if you have a 'D' licence
    or a 'C'...OK a 'B' with some potential...
    and there is room for one student by the
    name of Roger Ramjet...with a note from his Mother.

    You need to sign this waver...and that's it!

    So get your gear on, pin checks everybody...
    Your on the first load...
    I'm going to sit this one out...while you make history!
    You may even get your picture in the paper!

    Ok...so click the link...get in...sit down...and hang on!

    Have a good one!