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  1. HAHAH I'm bigger then that.. so it looks like I'll be going solo... -L3D
  2. Well, I'm not sure how much I'd trust some one to pull that cord on time... LOL we'll see what I decide on once I get to know more about this... So… I know everything’s not cheap in the sky diving world... but what kind of $$$ are we talking about? Is there anyway to do things cheaper? Or is it all the same? Also are the any age/weight limits I need to know about? -L3D
  3. In all honesty, I don’t know the first thing about sky diving... but I have this idea that it must be something, kind of like, how you would feel if you met god face to face and said "Oh hey. What’s up?" I need to get a real perspective on life... and I think this might help... LOL -L3D
  4. thanks... yea I hope to fit in here.. and get what I need to know before jumping... -L3D
  5. HI ALL!!! This is L3D, I'm from Newport Beach in southern CA. I just joined because I want to get into sky diving.. and I assume this would be the place to find out how... feel free to e-mail me anytime you want... espically if your from CA! THANKS! -L3D